The Art Of Constructive Confrontation
Constructive confrontation is a structured, systematic approach that decreases conflict and increases accountability by connecting the dots between what people want and what organizations need. Constructive confrontation reduces conflict in the same way it increases accountability; through clear and well-articulated expectations, follow-up, and recognition. Throughout the book, actual script elements are presented for use in constructive confrontation situations. These scripts simplify the process of initiating contact, establishing the context for a conversation, and focusing conversations on goal setting, making confrontation less threatening.
Juice-Diet For Perfect Health
Many diseases of modern man are directly ascribable to his wrong and improper diet. Juice diet as a medical therapy is one of the best therapies to prevent and cure diseases. This book will serve as a useful guide to those who want to improve their health through juice-dieting. It gives valuable information about the food value of various juices and provides useful instructions about juice-dieting.
Efficacy Of Fasting
Most people dig their graves witht heir own teeth. Overeating is the root cause of many serious helath problems. It is universally accepted by physicians and dieticians that fasting is the simplest remedy for the cure of many an ailment. 'Efficacy of fasting' aims at enlightening the common man to practise fasting scientifically, so as to take its advantages to the fullest.
Panacea On The Earth Wheat Grass Juice
Wheat grass is the greatest boom bestowed by Mother nature on man because it has amazing remedial properties. By consuming its juice, we not only get rid of many diseases, but also earn immunity from several diseases. The handbook renders useful information about this nectareous herbal remedy.
Prevention Heart Disease And Prolong Life
The facts and figures about the high percentage and rapid growth of heart patients and deaths caused by heart disease especially in yougsters are alarming. This book elaborately deals with all the possible measures and remedies concerned with heart problems, its cure and prevention. It tells us how we can individually as well as collectively, defeat the great menace to our existence.