When you are a sixteen year old love can be a complicated word Dear sixteen year olds of the world, Im in a crisis right now and I need your help. So, I was engaged to the love of my life. You know how it is in small towns you meet a nice boy, especially if hes from a known family, and get fixed for life. You are waiting to be together and...Bam! Your father finds a dream job and youre forced to move with your family to the US. No questions asked. It was quite awkward at first, my clothes, my hair, my accent...even my scent. I stood out friendless, weird. But things didnt remain the same for very long. I was suddenly drawn into a charity organization and then to the cutest and sweetest boy in the entire school! Tell me, can you possibly be in love and out of love at the same time? Especially, when the guy you are engaged to is certain youre coming back.