The City

No. 1 New York times bestselling author Dean Koontz isat the peak of his storytelling powers with this major new novel a rich, multi-layered story that moves back and forth across decades and generations as a gifted musician relates the terrible and wonderful events that began in his city in 1967, when he was ten. Jonah Kirks childhood has been punctuated by extraordinary moments like the time a generous stranger helped him realize his dream of learning the piano. Nothing is more important to him than his family and friends and the electrifying power of music. But now Jonah has a terrifying secret. And it sets him on a collision course with a group of dangerous people who will change his life forever. For one bright morning, a single earth-shattering event will show Jonah that in his city, good is entwined with malice, and sometimes the dark side of humanity triumphs. But it will also teach him that courage and honour are found in the most unexpected places and the way forward lies buried deep inside the heart. If he can just survive to find it. About the Author Dean Koontz is the author of more than a dozen New York times No. 1 bestsellers. His books have sold over 450 million copies worldwide, a figure that increases by more than 17 million copies per year and his work is published in 38 languages. He was born and raised in Pennsylvania and lives with his wife Gerda and their dog Anna in southern California

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