Fundamental Analysis Shares : Become An Intelligen
Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating intrinsic value of shares to find long term investing opportunities. This book will teach an average retail investor the basics of fundamental analysis so that he can invest in shares having sound fundamentals and avoid ones having poor fundamentals. This investing approach will help you to learn how intelligent investors discover multi-bagger stocks and make millions by investing in them. The book also includes value investing principles of legends like benjamin graham, warren buffett and peter lynch. Book explains in detail the key components of the annual report of a company and company’s financial statements like balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement. The book also explains all important financial ratios like profit margins, roe, roce, roa, current ratio, fixed asset turnover ratio, working capital turnover ratio, inventory turnover ratio, receivables turnover ratio, interest coverage ratio, debt to equity ratio, price to earnings (p/e) ratio, price to book value (p/bv) ratio, price to growth ratio (peg), enterprise multiple (ev:ebitda), dividend yield, etc. Book can also be useful for nism research analyst exam.