The Asoka Trilogy (Part 1)-Prince Of Patliputra
272 BC testtest BHARATHVARSHA, LAIID OF THE ARYAS testtest Samrat Bindusar, son of Chandragupta and the second Samrat Chakravartin of all the Aryas rules over the massive subcontinent from his holy seat in Patliputra. Almost five decades ago, his father had laid the wealth and glory of the past has subsided. testtest As the Samrat’s health continues to decline due to an unknown illness, problems are arising all over his realm. There is infighting and rebellion. No clear successor to him is present. Ninety nine of his sons stand in line waiting for his throne. testtest Bharathvarsha needs a Chandragupta once again. And it needs a Chanakya too. Can the young Prince Asoka, who is the least favorite son of the Samrat, fill the boots of his grandfather? Can Radhagupta, a mere Councilor of the Court be what Chanakya was to all the Aryas? testtest Begin a new adventure with the first book of the Ashoka trilogy as you read to find the answer to one great question- testtest That who shall be the next Samrat of this holy land of the Aryas? testtest “A Saga of Power, Betrayal, Love and Hatred this one is indeed a pulse pounding thriller told in an exquisite manner. An outstanding effort from a debut author. testtest RAHUL S.MARWARctest“Co-Founder and Creative Head – WordBite”