Warnings Of Gales

By (author) Annie Sanders Publisher Orion

Imogen, who organised the holiday, is frighteningly capable and a bit of a control freak. With three children who are at the centre of her world, she's determined that this holiday will be perfect. But is Imogen's tidy life quite as happy as it seems? Sophie is Imogen's oldest friend, dating back to the days when they would chat long after lights out at their Home Counties boarding school. Sophie knows she should be feeding her offspring organic cous-cous, but they love McDonalds' apple pies too much - and where's the harm in that? But is there more to Sophie than dogged loyalty to her rather overbearing old mate? And then there's Jo, an acquaintance of Sophie's roped in at the last minute when the first choice of housemate pulled out. An East London GP and single mother, and very easy going with her son, she appears to be the polar opposite to Imogen. A group holiday seemed such a good idea back in January ...

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