Terror On The Titanic

By (author) Samit Basu Publisher Scholastic

The Morningstar Agency is an organisation that has existed across the world for many centuries. Its agents are powerful, charismatic individuals; some more than human, some merely unique. It is rumoured that the Agency President, Mr. Morningstar, is immortal, and has a remarkable degree of influence on our history. Terror on the Titanic, the first case report to be released from the Agency archives, stars agent Nathaniel Brown, a young Anglo-Indian man with many strange talents he can speak to animals, has incredibly sharp senses and the skills of many jungle creatures. He owes these to his training his very famous father was raised by wolves. It's 1912, Brown is on the Titanic, and his mission is to prevent a stolen jewel from reaching America. Simple enough, except that monstrous aliens are also involved. And since this is a Morningstar Agency Adventure, the fate of our world hangs in the balance.

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