"A sure-fire winner." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY Flame Bennett was a successful advertising executive, who owed part of her success to her mentor Malcolm Powell. Powell wanted more than just thanks, but Flame had fallen for brash and powerful real-estate mogul Chance Stuart. He wanted Flame at any cost, but his lover, opera diva, Lucianna Colton, was determined that he would never have her. But without their knowing it, the fate of Flame and Chance had been sealed by the past,and a century-old legacy of greed, adultery and murder, would reach out its hand from the grave to ensare them both....
San Andreas
According to the Geneva Convention, red crosses on a ship guarantee immunity from enemy attack. The San Andreas is a hospital ship, but the members of her crew do not believe that the red crosses on her sides will keep her safe. The author also wrote "Where Eagles Dare".