The McKinsey Way
If more business books were as useful, concise, and just plain fun to read as THE MCKINSEY WAY, the business world would be a better place." --Julie Bick, best-selling author of ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IN BUSINESS I LEARNED AT MICROSOFT. "Enlivened by witty anecdotes, THE MCKINSEY WAY contains valuable lessons on widely diverse topics such as marketing, interviewing, team-building, and brainstorming." --Paul H. Zipkin, Vice-Dean, The Fuqua School of Business It's been called "a breeding ground for gurus." McKinsey & Company is the gold-standard consulting firm whose alumni include titans such as "In Search of Excellence" author Tom Peters, Harvey Golub of American Express, and Japan's Kenichi Ohmae. When Fortune 100 corporations are stymied, it's the "McKinsey-ites" whom they call for help. In THE MCKINSEY WAY, former McKinsey associate Ethan Rasiel lifts the veil to show you how the secretive McKinsey works its magic, and helps you emulate the firm's well-honed practices in problem solving, communication, and management. He shows you how McKinsey-ites think about business problems and how they work at solving them, explaining the way McKinsey approaches every aspect of a task: How McKinsey recruits and molds its elite consultants; How to "sell without selling"; How to use facts, not fear them; Techniques to jump-start research and make brainstorming more productive; How to build and keep a team at the top its game; Powerful presentation methods, including the famous waterfall chart, rarely seen outside McKinsey; How to get ultimate "buy-in" to your findings; Survival tips for working in high-pressure organizations. Both a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most admired and secretive companies in the business world and a toolkit of problem-solving techniques without peer, THE MCKINSEY WAY is fascinating reading that empowers every business decision maker to become a better strategic player in any organization. About The Author Ethan M. Rasiel joined McKinsey & Co.'s New York office in 1989 and worked there until 1992. While at "The Firm", his clients included major companies in finance, telecommunications, computing, and consumer goods sectors. Before working at McKinsey, he worked as an equity fund manager at Mercury Asset Management in London. He has also worked as an investment banker. He has a bachelor's degree from Princeton University and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Table Of Contents Acknowledgements Part I: The McKinsey Way of Thinking About Business Problems Chapter 1. Building the Solution Chapter 2. Developing an Approach Part II: The McKinsey Way of Working to Solve Business Problems Chapter 4. Selling a Study Chapter 5. Assembling a Team Chapter 6. Managing Hierarchy Chapter 7. Doing Research Chapter 8. Conducting Interviews Chapter 9. Brainstorming Part III: The McKinsey Way of Selling Solutions Chapter 10. Making Presentations Chapter 11. Displaying Data with Charts Chapter 12. Managing Internal Communications Chapter 13. Working with Clients Part IV: Surving at McKinsey Chapter 14. Find Your Own Mentor Chapter 15. Surviving on the Road Chapter 16. Take These Things with You Wherever You Go Chapter 17. A Good Assistant Is a Lifeline Chapter 18. Recruiting McKinsey Style Chapter 19. If You Want a Life, Lay Down Some Rules Life After McKinsey Chapter 20. The Most Valuable Lesson Chapter 21. Memories of McKinsey Index
Dhirubhai Ambani: AGAINST ALL ODDS
Dhirubhai and Reliance's success have been so phenomenal that most people are unable to see beyond he glitter of their wealth. Dhirubhai's success was by no means a walk in the park. He had to fight long and hard for it. And that is what is so inspiring about his life and success. It gives us the courage 'to dream...with our eyes open' as he put it. This is a collection of stories not just about dreams but about the price that you pay for achieving them. Dhirubhai's path was liberally sprinkled with obstacles. Some of them were deliberately placed by peers who hoped in vain to slow down his hard-to-beat pace, and some by fate itself. But unlike you and me who would probably change course after overcoming a few, he on the other hand, persevered, found a way around them, bulldozed his way through the others, but more importantly never, ever lost hope, and was rewarded a hundredfold because of it. Table Of Contents Chapter 1. Against All Odds Chapter 2. The Teenage Freedom Fighter Chapter 3. Total Trust - A Way of Life Chapter 4. Challenges - His Adrenalin Chapter 5. Impossible!? What is it? Chapter 6. The Large-hearted Leader Chapter 7. The Dhirubhai Effect - Before and After Dhirubhai Chapter 8. Afterword
Businesses go through dramatic twists and turns. Some survive, while quite a few fall by the way-side. Corporate heads grapple with this and are keen to find a sustainable model for making organisations last. Dabawalas, the story of Mumbai?s ubiquitous homemade food delivery men stands in sharp contrast. A 115-year-old business enterprise, run by semi-literate group of people, that has sustained itself through the vicissitudes of change presents a role model. Through a dialogue between four characters, the book brings to the fore key characteristics of successful organisations ? values, decentralised decision-making, continuous value addition to customer care and many more. Besides this, the book includes take-aways for leaders and managers to imbibe for building lasting success based on values. About The Author Shrinivas Pandit is a leadership counsellor and author. His clients include Dian Graha Elektrika, an Indonesian marketing corporation in Jakarta; Biocon Group, Bangalore; Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA) Pune; NABARD, Mumbai; Education Department, Government of Maharashtra. His areas of specialisation include building organisational culture, leadership development, transforming attitudes through innovative workshops on team management, career counselling, motivation, time management, quality of life and result orientation. Mr Pandit headed the Human Resources Divisions of Blue Star, Hardillia Chemicals, Johnson & Johnson before retiring from Siemens as Executive Vice President. He is a graduate in Economics and Law. From the London School of Economics, he obtained a post graduate Diploma in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Personnel & Development (IPD), UK. He has authored two books : Thought Leaders: Source Code for Exceptional Managers and Entrepreneurs and Design your Career: For Prosperity in the Dejobbed Economy. Mr. Pandit conducts unique seminars on "Thought Leadership" based on his studies of Indian Leaders. He can be reached at shrinpandit@hotmail.com. Table Of Contents Preface: The Story behind a Durable Business Success Acknowledgements Chapter 1.Food prepared with affection at home provides divine contentment. Chapter 2.If you change just enough, you achieve embracive happiness Chapter 3.When you move beyond the fear of new entrants and competition; You feel free with belief in God that he will provide new customers Chapter 4.Search what is durable in times of major change; It provides the wildest of business opportunities. Chapter 5.Decentralise to empower and deliver with excellence; Ensure that the cost of change is least to the customer. Chapter 6.Savour the old but enjoy the changing Chapter 7.Sprinters@bottomofpyramid.com Chapter 8.The harder you hold on loyally to old customers with a dependable delivery service, it provides lasting business Chapter 9.Lifelong devotional commitment to timely deliverables brings Royal recognition and increase in business. Chapter 10.At the prince?s wedding, affection mysteriously leads to bonding and contentment; Its ethos is local but broad banding is global. Chapter 11.The success secret of any business is to make its service segment humane. Chapter 12.I am eager to share the story with all. Appendix Epilogue ....The take home packet is bountiful and reassuring
How To Interview Like A Top MBA
Every job interview is a one-shot opportunity to dramatically improve your career and lifestyle. World-class MBA programs recognize this fact and now provide their students with detailed courses and coaching on how to dress for an interview, what to say, what not to say, and more. How to Interview Like a Top MBA presents today 's best-of-the-best strategies and skills into an all-in-one, MBA-level interviewing how-to. Featuring insights from Fortune 100 executives, headhunters, career counselors, and MBA graduates. In today 's ultracompetitive and uncompromising job market, the next position you get will set the tone for the rest of your career. Let How to Interview Like a Top MBA show you how to develop the skills and confidence you need to enter each interview as a top candidate--and turn that interview into an exciting new job. About The Author Dr. Shel Leanne is the president of the Wilshel Corporation, an educational and career consulting service. A former McKinsey & Company consultant, a Harvard graduate, and a former Harvard faculty member, she runs interview workshops with MBA students at Harvard.
"You'll not only break the ice, you'll melt it away with your new skills." -- Larry King "The lost art of verbal communication may be revitalized by Leil Lowndes." -- Harvey McKay, author of “How to Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive” What is that magic quality makes some people instantly loved and respected? Everyone wants to be their friend (or, if single, their lover!) In business, they rise swiftly to the top of the corporate ladder. What is their "Midas touch?" What it boils down to is a more skillful way of dealing with people. The author has spent her career teaching people how to communicate for success. In her book How to Talk to Anyone (Contemporary Books, October 2003) Lowndes offers 92 easy and effective sure-fire success techniques-- she takes the reader from first meeting all the way up to sophisticated techniques used by the big winners in life. In this information-packed book you’ll find: 9 ways to make a dynamite first impression 14 ways to master small talk, "big talk," and body language 14 ways to walk and talk like a VIP or celebrity 6 ways to sound like an insider in any crowd 7 ways to establish deep subliminal rapport with anyone 9 ways to feed someone's ego (and know when NOT to!) 11 ways to make your phone a powerful communications tool 15 ways to work a party like a politician works a room 7 ways to talk with tigers and not get eaten alive
Hard to believe anything other than luck and maybe fate, never mind a book, can make someone fall in love with you, but oddly enough, Leil Lowndes seems to offer the advice that can do just that in How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You. The sensation of falling in love comes from a chemical secreted by the nervous system, phenylethylamin e (or PEA, as Lowndes calls it, as in "Scientists tell us only PEA-brained people fall in Love"), and the trick is to trigger the manufacture of PEA in your potential love partner, giving him or her the sensation of being in love. Lowndes offers 85 techniques for "Hunters and Huntresses" to capture their "Quarry." Much of what the book offers is common sense--the power of eye contact and compliments--but it's presented in a new way and with such detail that it seems that it can't help but work.
With moderate beginnings from a small town in Gujarat to the founder of India?s first privately owned Fortune 500 company, Dhirubhai is a quintessential story of rags to riches. Not a product of the formal education system, Dhirubhai was known for his astute business acumen and entrepreneurial prowess. No wonder Dhirubhai?s business philosophy was quite different from his contemporaries. This book is not about Dhirubhai?s life, or how Dhirubhai went about building his business empire. Dhirubhaism is an attempt to capture those unique insights that Dhirubhai shared with the author in several interactions during their long association. The 15 Dhirubhaisms put together bring out the work philosophy of Dhirubhai and give us a glimpse into the remarkable thinking process and practices of one of India?s most successful entrepreneurs.
Stocks To Riches
First book on stock market for the large investor, in a simple, easy-to-understand language, which imparts sound thinking on the behaviour and philosophy of investing in stock market? Ravi Mohan, Managing Director & CEO, CRISIL Limited ?Parag Parikh has distilled his years of experience into this ready recknoner. It's simple to follow, but it encapsulates a rich store of insights garnered over decades of studying and analysing the stock market. He demystifies what is a daunting field for most people, and thus does a great service to all who have ventured into it ? or are summoning the courage to do so.? Bachi Karkaria, Columnist, The Times of India ?An extremely insightful book of great practical value that every investor, both beginners and the experienced, should read? Chetan Parikh, Director, Capital Ideas Online.com Investing in the stock market is challenging, as the market dynamics are unpredictable. Analysts, brokers and retail investors realise to their dismay that ?investments do well, but investors don?t do well?. What could be the reasons behind this? What?s goes on in an investors? mind? What makes a stock market bubble? How does it burst? How does one find the right strategy of investing? Intrigued by these pertinent questions, Parag Parikh, a seasoned broker and expert, took up this daunting task of understanding and demystifying investing in the stock market. Stocks to Riches is a distillate of his experience. It simplifies investing in stocks and provides key perspectives for a lay investor venturing into the market. And at the end of the day, Stocks to Riches helps the retail investor make money by following the time-tested and proven guidelines provided in the book. A must read for brokers, analysts and retail investors
Envisioning An Empowered Nation
India has a rich heritage and a talended workforce and is emerging as a knowledge society. Yet, over 26% of the population is below the poverty line, illitercy and large scale unemployment persist.
The NonVerbal Advantage
Preface: Beyond Words ? The other 93 percent of your message . Carol kinsey Goman combines the latest research and her 25 years of practical experience as a consultant, coach, and therapist in this fun and practical guide to understanding what you and the people you work with are saying without speaking. Cartoons, photos,entertaining anecdotes, an dozens of simple and enlightining excersice help readers gain control of the message their bodies are sending so they can project a more accurate and compelling picture of who they really are to their colleagues, clients and partners.
How Buffett Does It
Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest investors in the world. Millions of independent investors follow his every move. But why Buffett? What signs does he see that others miss? And more important, what can investors do to follow Buffet's path to investment and financial success? This book explores the 24 primary rules Buffett has followed from day one, and that people can use to strengthen their investing results.
Butterflies Be gone
Recognize the physiological symptoms of speaker's nerves * Identify your unique anxiety profile and develop a customized plan * Prepare and practice intelligently for any speaking engagement * Establish comfort by making friends with your audience * Use breathing and body work to calm your mind * Speak "off the cuff" with confidence.
Executive Warfare
It's not enough anymore to be smart, hard-working, and able to show results; At this level, everybody is smart, hard-working, and able to show results. Now it's a game for grown-ups. What really sets you apart is the relationships you build with people of influence. These people can include your peers, your employees, your organization's directors, reporters, vendors, and regulators-as well as the people directly above you in the organizational hierarchy. In senior management, you no longer answer to just one boss. There is now a hazy matrix of hundreds of bosses both inside and outside the office, any one of whom can stop you cold or give you a tremendous push forward. Executive Warfare offers concrete advice for handling all of them, including Your peers: They are the most valuable of allies or the most dangerous of enemies The CEO: Her office is often where the real fairy dust is kept. Make sure you have a good relationship here The Board of Directors: They won't judge you fairly if all they see of you is your PowerPoints Your direct reports: They are your vital organs, so treat them accordingly. And if you find a blood clot among them-excise that person before he kills you Your rivals: It's not always wise to shoot at them, but if you do, do not shoot to wound On-line gossips: You cannot afford to engage directly with them In his bestsellers Brand Warfare and Career Warfare, author David D'Alessandro offered sharp advice for building a brand and building a career. Now Executive Warfare is the advanced class for the truly ambitious. Learn what it takes to rise to the top-and to do the even harder thing, which is survive there.