Before Tomorrow
Product Description A Bollywood actor who leads a seemingly glamorous life on the surface, but behind the lights, camera, and action is a woman struggling with issues that are eroding her very belief in existence. What happens next is a stuff that can make for a great movie: She stumbles upon the path to self-discovery that transforms not just who she is but her entire life. But this is not what this book that you hold is about. Its about the journey of the very same actors spiritual exploration that has lasted nearly three decades and what she has learned and experienced. (This is exactly where most people will put it right down.) Yet it is not a boring biography. Nor is it a spiritual rambling of a celebrity on a high. Theres no discourse on curbing your materialistic pursuits or calls for giving up worldly pleasures. Its simply an invitation to consider another way of looking at life and at yourself. If you will, you can call it a practical manual to upgrade your worldview so that you function better than beforein this world, right here, right nownot in some alternate reality or next life. The best part is you can sample it all while still holding on to your car, your job, your faith, your favourite food, and all the other lovely things in life. What will change, though, is your view about spirituality. More importantly, about the one that really matters in life: you! Happy journey.
Afrin is expecting her first child. Unfortunately her husband Sam gets trapped and killed in an earthquake that caused the collapse of their residential building. Afrin is saved. Nobody has the heart to tell pregnant Afrin of the demise of her beloved husband. However, a fortnight after the earthquake, Sam comes to the hospital and meets Afrin. Afrin hugs him and shows him their new born child. She is not aware that Sam had already expired. Who was that man, looking exactly like Sam? Why was he cheating the innocent Afrin ? Would Afrin ever come to know the real man behind the fake face of Sam?