The Land of Flowers
Join Thea Stilton and the Thea Sisters as they travel to help a new magical land! The mice encounter fairies and other strange and fantastical creatures as they work together to solve a mystery to save the realm from peril. It's a fabumouse adventure!
The Dragon of Fortune
Geronimo Stilton, traveled on the wings of the Dragon of Fortune back to the Kingdom of Fantasy! He was called there by his friend Blossom, Queen of the Fairies, who needed my help. The enchanted Winged Ring had gone missing! This was terrible news. The ring allows its owner to travel between the Kingdom of Fantasy and the real world-which would be a dangerous power if it fell into evil hands. Could he find the ring before it was too late?
We'll Bite Your Tail, Geronimo!
Professor Greenfur, the onboard scientist on spaceship MouseStar 1, has changed color from green to. orange! What's going on? To find out, the spacemice travel to his home planet of Photosyntheson. There, they learn that all of Professor Greenfur's relatives are being threatened by the nibblix, tiny aliens with very sharp teeth! Can the spacemice help in time?
The Haunted Dinosaur
A terrible haunted dinosaur is wreaking havoc throughout Mysterious Valley! He's scattering bones and leaving destruction in his wake. Creepella steps up to the task of taming this creature and brings Geronimo along for the adventure!
The Mysterious Message
The micekings have received a mysterious message in a bottle! Unfortunately, most of it has been damaged by water but Geronimo can tell it's from the Oofa Oofas, the laziest rodents in the ancient far north. The micekings set sail to Oofadale, in case the Oofa Oofas are in trouble. But on their way, the dragons attack! Fjords and fiddlesticks, what an adventure!e
Operation - Secret Recipe
My family and I traveled to Milan, Italy, for a special event: the unveiling of the precious ancient parchment containing the secret, original recipe for panettone, a traditional sweet holiday bread. But right before the big moment, the recipe was stolen! And the thief was masquerading as... me! Could I catch the thief and clear my name?
The Ship Of Secrets
I, Geronimo Stilton, was called to the Kingdom of Fantasy for the tenth time! A fairy princess had called me there. She needed my help: The most powerful and dangerous wizard in the realm wanted to capture her -- and conquer the entire kingdom! The wizard was hunting for special magical objects to increase his powers -- fairy dust to make him fly, the precious gold of the gnomes, the dazzling egg of fire, and more. It was up to me to foil his plans, with the help of magical friends new and old. Could we save the Kingdom of Fantasy?
Cavemice - Shoo, Caveflies!
Geronimo's cousin Trap Stiltonoot is stung by a dangerous cavefly, which causes him to fall into an instant, deep sleep! To cure him, Geronimo and Thea must seek out the petals of the pink stinkrose, a rare and smelly flower. But it only grows on a very high peak! Can they make it there without going extinct on the way?