The Sins of the Father
New York, 1939. Tom Bradshaw is arrested for first degree murder. He stands accused of killing his brother. When Sefton Jelks, a top Manhattan lawyer, offers his services for nothing, penniless Tom has little choice but to accept his assurance of a lighter sentence. After Tom is tried, found guilty and sentenced, Jelks disappears, and the only way for him to prove his innocence would be to reveal his true identity - something that he has sworn never to do in order to protect the woman he loves. Meanwhile, the young woman in question travels to New York, leaving their son behind in England, having decided she'll do whatever it takes to find the man she was to marry - unwilling to believe that he died at sea. The only proof she has is a letter. A letter that has remained unopened on a mantelpiece in Bristol for over a year. In Jeffrey Archer's epic novel, family loyalties are stretched to their limits as secrets unravel, and the story moves from the backstreets of Bristol to the boardrooms of Manhattan. Join the great storyteller on a journey where there are no stop signs, no cul-de-sacs and no dead ends.
Six Sacred Stones
For a mysterious ceremony in an unknown location has triggered a catastrophic countdown that will climax in the destruction of all life on Earth. But there is one last hope. If Jack's team can find and rebuild a legendary ancient device known only as the "Machine", they might be able to ward off this coming Armageddon. And so the hunt begins.
As the Crow Flies
Jeffrey Archer, one of the greatest popular novelists of our generation, delivers a truly page-turning thriller in this re-issued classic Jeffrey has had six consecutive Number Ones and is the only author to reach the top of the charts across non-fiction, fiction and short stories 'Archer has a gift for plot that can only be described as genius' Daily Telegraph 'Stylish, witty and constantly entertaining . . . Jeffrey Archer has a natural aptitude for short stories' The Times Pan Macmillan is proud to be the home of all of Jeffrey Archer’s titles
Senator Ashley Butler is a quintessential demagogue whosesupport of traditional American values includes a knee-jerk reaction againstvirtually all biotechnologies. When he is called on the chair a sub-committeeintroducing legislation to ban new cloning technology, the senator views it as akeystone to his political future. As a consequence, Dr. Daniel Lowell - inventorof a technique that will take stem-cell research up to the next level - sees abarrier being raised before his biotech start-up. These seemingly oppositepersonalities may clash during the Senate hearing, yet the two men share acommon failing. Butler's hunger for political power far outstrips his genuineconcern for the unborn; while Lowell's pursuit of massive personal wealth andcelebrity overrides any real consideration for his patient's well-being. Furthercomplicating their confrontation is the confidential news that Senator Butlerhas developed Parkinson's disease - which leads the senator and the researcherinto a Faustian pact. Taken straightout of tomorrow's headlines, Seizure is cautionary tale for this agewhen new biotechnological discoveries are pulling us ever further into apromising yet frightening new world.
Seven Ancient Wonders
Matthew Reilly, born and still resident in Sydney, studied law before turning his pen to fiction. His previous novels, Contest, Ice Station, Temple, Area 7 and Scarecrow have been massive bestsellers in every
Twenty-five novels after his first bestseller, Coma, comes the latest from the acknowledged master of the medical thriller
Area 7
It is America's Most Secret Base, Hidden Deep in the Utah desert, An Air Force Installation Known Only as 'Area 7' And lady it has special visitor: the President of the United Stales. He has come to inspect Area 7, to examine its secrets for himself. But he's going to get more than he bargained for on this trip. Because hostile forces are waiting for him inside... Among the President's helicopter crew, however, is a young marine. He is quiet, enigmatic, and he hides eyes behind a pair of silver sunglasses. His name is Schofield. Call sign: SCARECROW. Rumour has it he's a good man in a storm. Judging by what the President has just walked into, he'd better be...
Gone With The Wind
Set against the dramatic backdrop of the American Civil War, Margaret Mitchell's magnificent historical epic is an unforgettable tale of love and loss, of a nation mortally divided and a people forever changed. Above all, it is the story of beautiful, ruthless Scarlett O'Hara and the dashing soldier of fortune, Rhett Butler.