Fast Foods Made Healthy
Fast Foods Made Healthy
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Fast foods like pizzas, burgers, french fries, bhelpuri and heavy rich curries are all foods that can lure us away from the strictest diet. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could indulge in all such favourite foods and yet lose weight and remain trim. "FAST FOODS MADE HEALTHY" is a step towards this direction. All the recipes in this book are fast foods which most of us indulge in on a regular basis and worked at making them low calorie yet keeping them as delicious as the original recipe. Get ready to pack off all those unnecessary escess calories!!
Recipes included are:
Vegetable Burger - 433 calories v/s Whole Wheat Vegetable Burger - 274 calories
Bhel Puri - 412 calories v/s Sprout and Fruit Bhel - 231 calroies
Nawabi Curry - 85 calories v/s Low Calorie Bawabi Curry - 34 calories