The Nectar Of Immortality Sri Nisargadatta Maharajas Discourses On The Eternal
The Nectar Of Immortality Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897 - 1981), a revered master of the Tantric Nath Lineage, is an inspiring example of an ordinary family man who attained complete realization of the infinite. Living the absolute non-duality of being in every moment, he taught that true freedom is a possibility open to every one of us. These discourses are about Transcendence. The message is clear: Return to what you were before your so-called birth. Be in that eternity, a state of wholeness. It is changeless reality from which all change has sprung. Maharaj's wisdom is truly partaking of the Gods, because it restores us to our original pristine and blissful condition, the rediscovery of our source.