Shakti Leadership
Unlocking the Source of True Leadership Too many leaders, men and women alike, have bought into the notion of leadership that exclusively emphasizes traditionally �masculine� qualities: hierarchical, militaristic, win-at-all-costs. The result has been corruption, environmental degradation, social breakdown, stress, depression and a host of other serious problems. But there is another way, one that restores balance to this lopsided way of leading. Reaching into ancient spiritual and mythical teachings, Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia revive a �feminine� archetype of leadership: generative, cooperative, creative, empathetic. While these qualities are often thought of as feminine, we all have them; however, for people in leadership positions, they tend to be undervalued and underdeveloped. In the Indian yogic tradition, this feminine principle is recognized as supremely intelligent and responsive. It is personified as the Great Mother or Goddess Shakti and is the source that powers the cycle of life. Using exercises and inspirational examples, Bhat and Sisodia guide us through our own heroic journey to discover and responsibly access this source of infinite energy and lead with our whole selves. Leaders who understand and practise Shakti Leadership act from a consciousness of caring, creativity and sustainability to achieve self-mastery internally and be of selfless service to the world. When leaders across genders learn to embrace this mindset, they can restore sanity, elevate humanity and heal the planet by evolving joyously and consciously together.