Pretak-Utprerak (प्रेरक उत्प्रेरक)
यशस्वी जीवनासाठी चांगली नोकरी, कठोर मेहनत, बुद्धयांक, भावनात्मक बुद्ध्यांक, उत्तम संवादकौशल्ये हे सर्व मूलभूत घटक आहेत. तरीदेखील, केवळ या सर्व घटकांची उपस्थिती यशाची हमी देत नाही. तर, त्यांना दीर्घकालीन यशामध्ये परिवर्तित करण्यासाठी तुम्हाला निश्चित अशा उत्तेजन देणाऱ्या घटकांची आवश्यकता असते. तो तुमच्या अभिवृद्धीला चालना आणि वेग देतो. हे प्रचंड प्रभावी पुस्तक विविध उत्प्रेरकांची ओळख करून देते. ते तुम्ही जोपासू शकता आणि तुमच्या कामात तसेच जीवनातही प्रगती करण्यासाठी त्यांचा लाभ करून घेऊ शकता. सहज उपलब्ध, आकर्षक असे पुस्तक. मुख्य म्हणजे, यातील सगळ्यांचा केवळ सैद्धांतिक पातळीवर नव्हे, तर प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव घेतलेल्या व्यक्तीने लिहिलेले, आचरण्यास सोपे, 'उत्प्रेरक पुस्तक, जे तुम्हाला तुमच्या कामात यशस्वी होण्यासाठी आणि दररोज, प्रत्येक क्षणामधून जास्तीत जास्त मिळवण्यासाठी योग्य साधनांनी सुसज्ज करेल.
Get Better At Getting Better
Review Lucid, practical and logical, this book is a great guide on getting better, every day (Bharat Puri) I encourage readers to not just read this book but also internalize the concept and apply it consciously. Get Better at Getting Better has the potential to change you for good-and make you the best that you can be (Anand Kripalu) I have heard of Kaizen and continuous improvement for machines and processes and always wondered why there was no Kaizen process for human beings. This book is the answer to that (Harsh Mariwala) Everyone wants to get ahead; a few want to get better. The ones who get better always get ahead. Mouli's book tells us how all of us can get better (Shiv Shivakumar) You don't grow in an organization by just delivering results. You need to continuously get better. Mouli's book makes you realize that and gives you the strategies to get better (Piyush Pandey) About the Author Chandramouli Venkatesan is a corporate veteran with over twenty-eight years of experience in the industry. He has worked with Asian Paints, Cadbury/Mondelez, Mirc Electronics/Onida and Pidilite. He has served in various senior capacities, including as CEO and managing director. While the bulk of his work life has been in business and P&L leadership roles, there was a three-year period when he did a cross-functional stint as HR head for Cadbury India which further developed his understanding of what makes people successful. Chandramouli is a keen golfer and sports enthusiast, and believes in holding his life in balance. This, coupled with his sense of values and spirituality, has led him to believe that every person must impact society positively. His personal mission is to help people succeed and he has conducted numerous speaking sessions in many organizations and mentored and guided several people to be successful in their careers. His first book, Catalyst, a bestseller, was a part of his mission to help people succeed.