Kaifiyat:Verses On Love And Women
About the Author Kaifi Azmi (Author) KAIFI AZMI (1919-2002) was one of the most prominent Urdu poets and lyricists of the twentieth century. An ardent crusader for justice as well as a writer of tender lyrics and rousing anthems, he was the quintessential activist-poet. His three major poetry collections are entitled Jhankar (1943), Akhir-e-Shab (1947) and Awara Sajde (1973). Rakhshanda Jalil (Translator) RAKHSHANDA JALIL is a writer, translator and literary historian. Her work on the Progressive Writers' Movement is considered seminal; she has written A Rebel and Her Cause: The Life and Work of Dr Rashid Jahan, Shahryar: A Life in Poetry, among others. She runs Hindustani Awaaz, devoted to the popularization of Hindi-Urdu language and literary culture.