Inside The C.Suite 21 Lessons From Top Management
In the corporate world, one question that's often asked is, 'What does it take to reach the top and stay there?' Be it the fancy MBA in a hurry to get to the top or the hard-working manager slogging for years or the sycophant who flatters his way up the corporate ladder, the C-suite is the ultimate aspiration for everyone. Taking you right inside the C-suite, Jayaram Easwaran presents twenty-one stories based on real incidents during his three-decade career. Each story has a message that addresses the most pertinent problem of our work lives. Stories about the dilemma of being virtuous when the stakes are high, the pitfalls of judging a book by its cover, the dangers of blind ambition, ego squabbles among top brass and many others make this book a treasure-trove of wisdom. This is a book that will help you get your way in business and life.