Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism
Seekers the world over intuitively perceive India as the land of spirituality. As such, there exists an inherent curiosity to understand its ancient knowledge systems through Hinduism. In its heritage are the rarest of holy treasures revealed to the rishis of yore through mystical practices and divine grace. For sharing their glimpses of the Absolute Truth with humankind, these elevated sages composed many sacred works, called the Vedic scriptures. They include the Puranas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Brahma Sutras, Nyaya Darshan, Yog Darshan, and many more. All these holy books are elaborations of the Vedas, which occupy the highest place amongst Hindu scriptures. The Vedas refer to the eternal knowledge of God. And hence, the religion they describe is called Sanatan Dharma, or the ‘Eternal Religion’. However, the prevailing the understanding of Hindu thought is vague and clichéd. This book will help you unravel the essence of the Vedic scriptures. It will enrich you with precious jewels of sacred wisdom for propelling your journey towards the Ultimate Happiness and the Supreme Truth.
Golden Rules For Living Your Best Life
The untapped potential of every individual is the biggest tragedy of the human race. The primaryreason for this is our lack of awareness of the processes, tools and techniques needed to unleash it. While life is a do-it-yourself project, there is no user rule book that teaches us to deal with thecomplexities of human life. Would it not be nice if there were a manual for life as well? The Atharva Veda states: dve vidye veditavye … parā caivāparā ca(Mundakopanishad 1.1.4) ‘To triumph at life, one must possess both spiritual and material wisdom.’ Every successful person is either already blessed with this wisdom or has acquired it. This book notonly bridges this gap, but also equips you with the proper knowledge needed to effectively navigateyour life. Learning it will unleash your abilities and unlock your potential to thrive in your endeavours. In this book, Swami Mukundananda brings together a hundred gems of wisdom to constantlyelevate the quality of your life in five key areas—spiritual and emotional wellness, good healthand well-being, harmony in relationships, professional fulfilment and financial abundance. If youcan effectively manage these five dimensions of your life, all the other aspects are automaticallytransformed. This, in turn, will enable you to become the best you can be, today and every day,and win the game of life.
7 Mindsets For Success, Happiness and Fulfilment
Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset could lead you off the path of contentment, joy, enlightenment. The right one will point you to the road to success, to fulfilment and towards an extraordinary life. Blending science with Vedic scriptures, and logic with spiritual insight, Swami Mukundananda unravels the secrets of the 7 mindsets—seven techniques of training the mind and intellect and unlocking the immense potential within. An alumnus of IIT and IIM, Swami-ji brings his decades-long mastery of Vedic scriptures to these powerful yet simple techniques for mind management and life transformation.