Government Doesn't Want You To Know This
From fraudulent forensic reports to dodgy Parliament replies, our Government has resorted to an array of dark maneuvers to block the truth about SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE’s fate. Now, powered by years of unrelenting research, CHANDRACHUR GHOSE and ANUJ DHAR bring you the cold truth. The man who freed India was alive long after his reported death, a victim of cruel circumstances. Here are the heartbreaking facts Government would not like you to know.
Catastrophic truth about the fate of the man who freed India Sitting in a dilapidated house in a remote part of India, a 74-year-old man narrated in his deep baritone the layout of Jessore cantonment in East Pakistan to his handful of followers. They got the import only a few weeks later when Jessore fell to the advancing Indian Army. This was in December 1971, and Subhas Chandra Bose was officially dead for 25 years. Having spent over 15 years in procuring and scouring through thousands of records from across the world, interacting with eyewitnesses and consulting experts, the authors come to a history-bending conclusion that a mostly unseen, unnamed holy man who lived in various parts of UP from the 1950s to 1985 was Subhas Bose himself. From a “living” Netaji’s throwbacks about his contemporaries, his views on Constitutional issues and India’s foreign policy, to his forays into the world of paranormal and top-secret covert missions across the borders to heart-breaking disclosure why he could not emerge in public — no other book ever written in India is as bold and vast in its scope and implications.