The Blue Fairy: The Bronze Ring and Other Stories
It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Princes and princesses, flying dragons, monsters and magicians, giants and dwarfs, ogres and fairies these are the companions who thrill youngsters of all lands and times. This book contains 16 such tales. Coming from all quarters of the world, these stories provide rich insight into the lives and cultures of different peoples. Narrated in clear, lively and easy to understand language, the tales are enriched with beautiful illustrations. Contents The Bronze Ring -- Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess -- East of the Sun and West of the Moon -- Little Red Riding-Hood -- The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood -- Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper -- Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp -- The Tale of a Youth Who Set out to Learn What Fear was -- Rumpelstiltzkin -- The Master-Maid -- Why the Sea is Salt -- The Master Cat or Puss in Boots -- Felicia and the Pot of Pinks -- The White Cat -- The Water-Lily and the Gold-Spinners -- The Story of Pretty Goldilocks