It's Okay To Fail, My Son
The It's Okay to Fail My Son, is fictional novel written by Vasant Kallola. The book revolves around the relationship between a father and a son. The book provides an insight on the stress that youngsters are facing nowadays. On a daily basis, the present generation faces immense pressure from their parents, the system and their teachers at school, too. The story of this book is well thought of and is very sensitive to the feelings of all the parties involved in it. It is not often that one hears a father say to his son that it is alright to fail in our society. In this book, the reader will see that when a parent admits to the fact that his child has failed, he gets a negative reaction from fellow parents, who even accuse him of being irresponsible. But the father in this story sticks to his guns and is determined to train his son to face any challenge in life. He wants him to think out of the box and become a bigger and better human being. The book encompasses the journey of a father and son and how the former wants to transform his son into a genius. The story touches a chord with many parents, as it manages to reflect the emotions of a father very precisely. In this journey which the reader takes with the father, he will be witness to how pressure gets altered to passion and fear gets transformed into success. This book is highly recommended for parents across the globe as it may inspire them to believe in their children, come what may. The author describes the journey of this father in beautiful words. Most parents will be able to relate to it, as in their daily lives they too, face criticism and doubts from all quarters.