401 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask
There is little job security left in Corporate America. International competition is ravaging our mainline companies, Wall Street is rewarding companies that "streamline" (read: cut staff), and we are now "outsourcing" even white-collar jobs to India and China. Those seeking a way out of this dilemma must risk more than ever in these turbulent economic times. Which is why both beginning and seasoned entrepreneurs need 401 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask, an invaluable, comprehensive reference resource. Jim Silvester brings 27 years of professional and educational experience to this work. 401 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask reviews 25 functional areas of operation of the typical entrepreneurial firm. It then poses the hundreds of questions any entrepreneur should ask, the answers to which will essentially create an "operational X-ray" of your business operation. After posing a question, Silvester explains its importance to the overall health of your company, discusses the business consequences of a negative answer, then instructs you on how to correct or avoid the unwanted consequences. You'll learn the need to ask questions such as: Do you have a written statement of your companys mission or purpose? How do you predict future developments in your industry? Have you planned for technological changes that may affect your business? How do you stay on top of cash flow? How involved are your managers in planning, operations, and finances? Do you have someone ready to take your place in case of an emergency?