Identity Politics In Jammu And Kashmir
Highlighting the internal dimensions of conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, the book deals with overlapping, multi-layered and multiple identity politics of this state. While focusing on identity politics of Kashmir, which remains at the root of conflict, it goes beyond its homogenized exterior and points to various internal tensions. More importantly, it goes beyond the Kashmiri identity politics and focuses on various other manifestations of identities including religious, regional and sub-regional identity politics within the state. It seeks to draw attention to the sociocultural diversity and political divergence within Jammu and Kashmir and talks about multiple contexts of deprivation and neglect including those defined by the categories of gender, caste and tribe. The book is divided into five sections: identities and politics in Kashmir; religion, identities and inter-community relations; exodus and identity politics of Kashmiri pundits; identity politics of women and Dalits and; the other Kashmir.