Global Crisis Recession And Uneven Recovery
The worst of the economic crisis has passed and the global financial system is picking through the wreckage of its reckless ambition. Recovery has started at different paces in different places, but it promises everywhere to be prolonged and uneven. What has the world learnt from the most severe financial setback it has suffered in three generations? What must it unlearn to ensure that it does not rush into an encore? And what must India do to work towards ending the systemic distortions in global finance and crippling economic inequities at home? As Governor of the Reserve Bank of India between 2003 and 2008, Dr Y.V. Reddy stayed the course of financial pragmatism in times of relentless deregulation. Through visionary leadership, finely calibrated financial management and a prescient reading of global economic indicators, he ensured India largely escaped the fate that befell the worst affected of the world's economies. In 2009, Dr Reddy told the story of, an account of his five years at the helm of the RBI at a time of multiple challenges for the Indian economy. This new book is a sequel to last year's bestselling work. It provides a thinker and experienced policymaker's understanding of the genesis, anatomy and impact of the financial crisis and of the lessons it offered. It contains perspective and analysis that Dr Reddy has not published before, presented in lucid style and non-technical language. This is a looking-ahead book for India and the world, from an oracle who has already demonstrated how clearly he sees the future.
Advice And Dissent
Any governor of the Reserve Bank of India must walk a tightrope. He must seem to be independent - but without offending the government of the day. He is not equal to the government but must convince others that he is not subordinate to it either. And if he can do all this with the right policies in place, he may leave behind a career as illustrious as that of Dr Y.V. Reddy, Governor of the RBI from 2003 to 2008, a time of high growth, low inflation, an appreciated rupee and a robust banking system that withstood the global financial crisis. Advice and Dissent throws light on the lessons of Dr Reddy's fascinating professional life, as on the politics of his years in public service. About the Author Dr Y. V. Reddy is a former IAS officer of the 1964 batch who served as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India from 2003 to 2008. He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2010.
A Bank for the Buck: The Story of HDFC Bank
This is the story of the birth and growth of India's most valued Bank HDFC Bank Ltd against the backdrop of the new bank movement in India that started in 1994 when the Reserve Bank of India opened up the sector to introduce competition and to force banks to be efficient and more productive. Many books have tried to give meaning to India's recent history, to put it in the larger context of a complicated and confounding society, but this effort stands out because it does something that has been difficult to attempt retelling the story of modern India through the lens of business. Given the author's familiarity with bankers, policy makers and central bankers, this fast-paced, jargon-free book, written for a wide audience, brings to life an engrossing and sweeping tale of 21st century India, with all its foibles and charms. Tamal Bandyopadhyay, is one of the most respected business journalists in India, His weekly column, Banker's Trust, India's second-largest read financial daily Ann, where be is Deputy Managing Edit, is widely read for its deep insights into the world of finance and its unerring ability to anticipate major ,policy moves. Tamal has kept a close watch on the financial sector for over fifteen years and has had a ringside view of the enormous changes in Indian finance over this period. He has been a frequent speaker at seminars ammo India and has hosted a very successful weekly show (by the same name as his weekly column) on television, featuring some of India's most respected bankers, policy makers, central bankers and regulators. He has contributed to The Oxford Companion to Economics in India, edited by Kaushik Basu and published by Oxford University Press in 2007. Banker's Trust,. anthology of Ms weekly column in Mint has recently been published, This is Tamal's first book.
India and the Global Financial Crisis
This collection of essays provides insights into the making of public policies across a spectrum of areas between the years 2003 and 2008, a period of rapid growth of the Indian Economy as well as extraordinary challenges for the conduct of monetary policy. It was during this period that Dr Y.V. Reddy was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. He has earned universal acclaim for managing, as Governor of RBI, India's calibrated financial integration with the global economy.Ever since the financial crisis erupted in the USA in 2007 and spread to the rest of the world, there has been an interest in India's management of a financial sector that has facilitated growth and has yet maintained stability.What contributed to this situation? What was the RBI