Turning Point .
About the Book: Turning Point Until recenlty, our view of the physical universe had been formed, for centuries, by the mechanistic thinking of Descarles and Newlon. New scientific concepts have overturned this world view, replacing it with a more holistic and ecological one that has afforded us deep insights into the nature of matter and its relation to the human mind. About the Author: Fritjof Capra Fritjof Capra received his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Vienna and has done research in high-energy physics at several European and American universities. Capra has written and lectured extensively about the philosophical implications of modern science and is author of 'The Tao of Physics', 'The Turning Point' and 'Uncommon Wisdom'. Currently Director of the Centre for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California, he lives in Berkeley with his wife and daughter.
The Tao Of Physics
The Tao of Physics is Fritjof Capra's classic exploration of the connections between Eastern mysticism and modern physics. An international bestseller, the book's central thesis, that the mystical traditions of the East constitute a coherent philosophical framework within which the most advanced Western theories of the physical world can be accommodated, has not only withstood the test of time but is ever more emphatically endoresed by ongoing experimentation and research. Fritjof Capra addresses recent scientific developments in this, the third edition, in the form of a chapter