Letters From A Father To His Daughter
Timeless Piece of Literature They say, 'the more you write personal, the more it becomes universal'. This is evident in this collection of letters that Jawaharlal Nehru sent to his daughter Indira when she was 10 years old. This book, 'Letters from a Father to His Daughter' is a collection of 30 letters sent in the year 1928 which has become a phenomenal piece of literature over the years because it puts a lot of light on the bond between a father and his daughter and the many things that Pandit Nehru tried to explain to her while being away on business. Originally written in English, these letters are still relevant over a span of ninety years and that is exactly where their beauty lies. Diverse Letters The collection of these letters spans over a large range and has many topics covered in it. Nehru began writing to his 10-year-old daughter when she was in Mussourie and he was in Allahabad. In order to tell his daughter about all the wonderful things in the world and his many thoughts on people and the society, he wrote her diverse letters that initially spoke of how the earth was formed, how animal and human life came into existence and how societies entered the fray. Nehru further also writes about races, faith and beliefs that existed in those times. The letters cover a major portion of human history and the history of India as well. Hardcover Book This is one of the finest books published by Penguin India. The best thing about this book is that since it has stood the test of time and seems relevant ninety years later, it sure is something that can be handed down from one generation to another. For these reasons, Penguin has compiled the book in a rather solid manner with a hardcover. About the Author Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of Independent India. Born on November 14, 1889, he was one of the most prominent political figures when India was at the peak of its struggle for freedom. Nehru was an alumnus of the Trinity College, Cambridge. He died on May 27, 1964. The book is available online for convenient shopping. You can bag this book from A today by following a few easy steps.
An Autobiography
Through all its details there runs a deep current of humanity which overpasses the tangles of facts and leads us to the person who is greater than his deeds and truer than his surroundings.' Rabindranath Tagore Jawaharlal Nehru's life was closely intertwined with the history and destiny of modern India. His Autobiography, written between 1934 and 1935 when he was in prison, is more than the personal story of an individualit is also an account of the political awakening of a nation, its struggle for freedom from British rule, and its search to reshape itself as a modern society, rid of the cultural and economic shackles of the past. Through this narrative, written with extraordinary eloquence and honesty, and illuminated with vibrant descriptions of Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders of the national movement, emerges the portrait of the author himselfa complex and introspective personality with a brilliant and questing mind, a deep love of nature, an engaging zest for life and, above all, a passionate commitment to democracy and secularism.
The Discovery Of India
Written over five months when Jawaharlal Nehru was imprisoned in the Ahmadnagar Fort, The Discovery of India has acquired the status of a classic since it was first published in 1946. In this work of prodigious scope and scholarship, one of the greatest figures of Indian history unfolds the panorama of the country's rich and complex past, from prehistory to the last years of British colonial rule. Analysing texts like the Vedas and the Arthashastra, and personalities like the Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru brings alive an ancient culture that has seen the flowering of the world's great traditions of philosophy, science art, and almost all its major religions. Nehru's brilliant intellect, deep humanity and lucid style make The Discovery of India essential reading for anyone interested in India, both its past and its present.