Hitler Ani Bharat (हिटलर आणि भारत)
हिटलर - जगात सर्वत्र अत्यंत तिरस्कारानं उच्च्चारल्या जाणारं नाव – भारतीय उपखंडात मात्र काही वेळा हा गैरसमज पाहायला मिळतो की फ्युहरर हा भारतीयांचा मित्र होता. पत्रकार वैभव पुरंदरेंना जाणवलं की या जर्मन हुकूमशहानं स्वत:च्या लिखाणात भारताविषयी त्याचं खरं मत बेधडकपणे मांडून ठेवलेलं असूनही या विषयी भारतीय जनमानसात घोर अज्ञान आहे. ही उणीव भरून काढण्याच्या निकडीतून त्यांना जर्मनी, भारत आणि इतर जागची अभिलेखागारं खंगाळून काढण्याची प्रेरणा मिळाली. हिटलरची भारत देश आणि इथल्या लोकांबद्दलची धारणा, ब्रिटिश राजवटीविरुद्ध त्यांनी केलेल्या संघर्षाविषयी त्याची मतं आणि भारताचा इतिहास, संस्कृती आणि सभ्यते विषयी त्याचा अभिप्राय ह्यांचं समर्पक विश्लेषण या पुस्तकात आहे. या शिवाय हे पुस्तक नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस ह्यांची तिसर्या साम्राज्याशी झालेली गुंतागुंत, नाझी जर्मनीत राहिलेल्या इतर भारतीयांचे अनुभव, हिटलरद्वारे हिमालयात ‘शुद्ध रक्ताचे आर्यन’ शोधण्यासाठी चालवली गेलेली मोहीम आणि या संदर्भातील अनेक अप्रचलीत घटनांवरदेखील प्रकाश टाकतं.
Savarkar The True Story Of The Father Of Hindutva
Savarkar is one of the most fascinating men in Indian history. A man who in the first part of his life wanted Hindu–Muslim unity yet later became the father of Hindutva. A man who called for complete independence twenty years before the Congress but didn’t participate in the Quit India movement. A man who in his younger days was friendly with Gandhi but was later seen as the inspiration behind his killing. Based on Savarkar’s original Marathi papers, accounts of his contemporaries, several of them untranslated from Marathi, court and government records, and newspapers of the time, this new biography is packed with fresh details. Written in a lively, page-turning style, this is a riveting and unbiased account of Savarkar’s life, and the only book you will need to truly understand him. ‘Lively, well researched and balanced. It will fascinate and provoke.’ Gurcharan Das ‘Wonderful. Savarkar truly comes alive.’ Bibek Debroy ‘Superbly written and deeply researched, this book is neither hagiographic nor does it suffer from unbalanced criticism.’ Sudheendra Kulkarni
Bal Thackeray & the Rise of the Shiv Sena
How did a quiet, unassuming cartoonist at one of Indias leading newspapers transform into the fire-breathing chief of a militant political outfit? How did his essentially sons-of-the-soil movement take Mumbai by storm in the 1960s with its demands for the Marathi peoples employment rights and attacks on South Indians and the Communists? How did he make the shift from an aggressive Maharashtrianism to strident Hindutva to become one of the major players in Indian politics? What explains his control over Indias financial capital, his capture of power in Indias industrial powerhouse, Maharashtra, and his ability to win over the minds of millions and to strike fear in so many hearts? How did he and his Shiv Sena establish sway over the multi-crore film industry and, with its longstanding alliance with the BJP, become a subject of intense curiosity all over India and even in Pakistan? This book tells the complete story of Bal Thackeray and the rise, fall and split of the Shiv Sena. It examines Thackeray the person and his intriguing political personality, his partys militaristic methods of operation, its controversial role at major junctures, the fight between Thackerays nephew Raj and son Uddhav, the end of an era in Maharashtra politics after his death in November 2012 and the future of the Shiv Sena without his imposing presence. A must-read for an understanding of contemporary Indian politics and the rise of the Hindu nationalist phenomenon.
Sachin Tendulkar (सचिन तेंडूलकर )
अनुवादित, क्रीडाविषयक, क्रिकेट,