Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win
If you think that companies can't grow in a low-growth economy, Market Your Way to Growth will change your mind. Most companies anchor their growth plans in one or two strategies often adopted before the world became so globalized and technologically-advanced. Companies now need to examine all eight strategies that might promise fresh growth. Is your company innovative? Is your brand as strong as it could be? Are your customers satisfied and loyal? Are you able to wrest share from competitors? Have you moved into China, Brazil, or some higher growth markets? Have you done acquisitions and built new alliances? Have you been winning new customers by showing your deeply felt values? Have you partnered with governments and NGOs on new projects? See what dozens of other companies are doing to achieve higher growth in a low-growth world economy or industry. A large number of CEO’s. senior executives, and scholars have endorsed this book. Open the book and see what they say. The United States, The European Union. and other developed countries now face years of continuing low economic growth. so low that job creation will fall far short of the growth of the workforce. With the developed world facing an excruciating slow-growth economy, successfully competing for a limited customer base means using creative marketing strategies. Market Your Way to Growth shows you how to survive these rough economic waters. The book details nine megatrends that will offer new opportunities throughout this decade, including a global redistribution of wealth, urbanization, an accelerating green global economy, rapidly changing social values, and more. Evaluate your business's readiness to navigate this shifting economic landscape using these eight growth strategies: Build Your Market Share: Outperform your competitors and grow your market share. Develop Enthusiastic Customers and Stakeholders: Attract fans and develop dedicated supply chain partners. Create a Powerful Brand: Design a powerful brand that serves as a living platform for your organization's strategy and actions. Innovate New Products, Services, and Experiences: Develop a culture of innovation and think freshly about new offerings and experiences. International Expansion: Identity international macro and micro markets of high growth and enter them successfully. Acquisitions, Mergers, and Alliances: Grow via attractive partnering opportunities through acquisitions, mergers, alliances, and joint ventures. Build an Outstanding Reputation for Social Responsibility: Improve your company's social character to win more respect and support from the public and stakeholders. Partner with Government and NG0s: Successfully bid to provide services and products that governments all over the world need. These are the most perilous times since the Great Depression, yet growth is still possible. Learn how to implement these proven strategies, and achieve growth rates that your competitors will envy.
Kellogg on Marketing
Kellogg On Marketing The second edition of this book provides Kellogg's unique and highly regarded perspective on both the basics of marketing and on new issues that are challenging businesses today. The book focuses on fundamental marketing strategy. These topics include: segmentation, targeting and positioning, consumer insight, building and managing brands, and marketing research. Faculty who authored chapters on these topics in the first edition has revised their chapters to reflect changes in the field. About the Author Alice Tybout is the Harold T. Martin Professor of Marketing and chairperson of the Marketing Department at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She is co-academic director of the branding program at Kellogg, the author of dozens of articles for marketing journals, and a consultant for leading companies, including Coca-Cola, Dow, Phillips Electronics, and Searle. Bobby J. Calder is a Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Professor of Psychology at the Kellogg School of Management. Previously, he has taught at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and has been a consultant for Booz Allen and Hamilton. He has been a consultant to many companies (including Aetna, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cemex, Coca-Cola, General Electric, General Motors, McDonald's, Motorola, Prudential, The Tribune Co., and TimeWarner).