Never Kiss Your Best Friend
Go lingerie-shopping with him. Pass out drunk with her on the same bed. Cry on his shoulder when you break up. Bore her with football talk at 3 a. m. Ask him for advice on how to keep your boyfriend 'happy'. Watch a cheesy movie with her and cry freely. Ask him to rate your butt. Dance with her in your boxers. But never, ever kiss your best friend. In this sequel to the bestselling Just Friends, find out what happens when headstrong and impulsive Tanie Brar meets her equally crazy best friend Sumer Singh Dhillon after five long years of separation. Heart-warming and poignant, Never Kiss Your Best Friend redefines the rules of friendship with its story of a boy and a girl who are soul mates in every sense.
A Lot Like Love...a Li'l Like Chocolate
A Lot Like Love...a Li'l Like Chocolate He's a player. She knows the rules. They meet. Smile. Talk. Add each other on Facebook. Exchange BB pins. He asks her out for coffee. She agrees. Another coffee follows. So do movies, drives, moonlight walks, study dates, sneakouts, make out sessions. Shadab and Arnika. Both eighteen. Committed. In a relationship. It's a perfectly clichéd bubblegum love story...or is it? For love today, comes with a ‘conditions apply. Career. Ambition. Practicality. Different colleges. Different countries. Different aspirations. A long-distance relationship. They decide to give it a shot. Skype video calling. BBM. Lists of do’s and don'ts. Fidelity checks. Promises. They've planned it all out. But can love be planned? Is chocolate a safer proposition for the heart? Is cheating on your partner an offence only if your partner comes to know about it? What happens when you're in something which is A lot like love…a li'l like chocolate??? About the Author SUMRIT SHAHI Hardly an author, as he proclaims. Sumrit Shahi, at 18, is as confused as before, but just more sophisticated about it. His debut novel at the age of 17, Just Friends, is a national bestseller and sold over 25,000 copies. With a killer ability to play with words, which he isn't remotely humble about, writing for him is a passion which pays surprisingly well. A resident of Chandigarh, alumnus of St. John's High School and Bhavan Vidyalaya, he is currently pursuing his first year at Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts, Pune
Just Friends. . .
He knows everything about her, right from her favourite books to her favorite bra. She knows everything about him, right from his favourite soccer club to his favourite x rated websites. He will complete her English homework, even at three in the night. She will arrange an Armani suit for him, even if it calls for flirting with ugly guys. He has her picture in his wallet. She has his number on speedial. They talk to each other all the time. They talk about each other when they dont talk to each other. They discuss everything from periods to playstation. They have tasted alcohol and then thrown up...together. They have bunked countless tuitions... together. They cant live without each other. YET They dont love each other. They are JUST FRIENDS...