ICON STEVE JOBS : The Greatest Second Act In The H
ICON STEVE JOBS : The Greatest Second Act In The History Of Business Young was the author of the first and classic unauthorized biography of Jobs, which took the story to 1986. This new book, now available in paperback, looks at Job's story thereafter -- in the context of his roots and early success -- to his current roost atop the entertainment and digital world. iCon takes a look at the most astounding figure in a business era noted for its mavericks, oddballs, and iconoclasts. iCon is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how the modern digital age has been formed, shaped, and refined by the most influential figure of the age-a master of three industries: movies, music, and computers. About the Author Jeffrey S. Young, the author of the classic unauthorized biography of Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, first met Jobs in 1983 as one of the founding editors of MacWorld Magazine. A free-lance writer, he began his career as a reporter with the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, and after MacWorld wrote for The Hollywood Reporter and worked for Forbes in the 1990s as its contributing editor from Silicon Valley, writing profiles and business pieces, including a very influential profile of Microsoft's Steve Balmer. In 1997, he co-founded Forbes.com. He is the author of Forbes Greatest Technology Stories (Wiley, 1998) and Cisco Unauthorized (Prima, 2001).