The Diary of a Young Girl(द डायरी ऑफ अ यंग गर्ल)
द डायरी ऑफ यंग गर्ल -‘माझ्यासारख्या एखादीच्या दृष्टीनं रोजनिशी लिहिणं हा खरोखरच एक अतिशय विलक्षण अनुभव आहे. मी याआधी काहीच लिहिलेलं नाही फक्त म्हणूनच नव्हे, तर पुढे मला किंवा इतर कोणालाही तेरा वर्षांच्या शाळकरी मुलीच्या स्वप्नाळू चिंतनात स्वारस्य वाटणार नाही, म्हणून मला तसं वाटतं.’ अॅन फ्रँक, शनिवार, २० जून १९४२ ‘द डायरी ऑफ अ यंग गर्ल’ हा एका लहान मुलींच्या दृष्टिकोनातून दुसऱ्या महायुद्धावर टाकण्यात आलेला अपूर्व, हेलावून टाकणारा दृष्टिक्षेप आहे. अॅननं ज्या वेळी हे शब्द लिहिले होते, त्या वेळी अर्थातच आपण स्वप्नाळूपणे केलेलं हे चिंतन नाझींनी ज्यूंच्या केलेल्या सामुदायिक कत्तलींच्या दरम्यानच्या आयुष्याविषयीची माहिती देणारं प्राथमिक संसाधन ठरेल, हे तिला माहीत नव्हतं. अन ही असामान्य, हुशार, विचारी कथाकार आहे आणि तिची रोजनिशी ही मनोरंजक आणि त्याबरोबरच ऐतिहासिक दस्तऐवज म्हणूनही लक्षणीय आहे. या रोजनिशीतील घटना दहशतीची फक्त ओझरती झलक दाखवत असल्या, तरी त्यांच्यातून युद्धाच्या काळातील मानवी स्वभावाचं, नातेसंबंधांचं आणि आशेचं ठसठशीत चित्रण समोर येतं. ‘या पुस्तकात अनेक महत्त्वाचे संदेश आहेत, पण सर्व लोकांना स्वातंत्र्यात मुक्तपणे जगण्याचा हक्क आहे, हा त्यातला सगळ्यांत महत्त्वाचा संदेश आहे. फक्त काही लोक वेगळ्या धर्माचे किंवा वंशाचे आहेत म्हणून त्यांना वेगळी वागणूक देता कामा नये, असं अॅनची ही कथा दाखवून देते: – द गार्डियन – ‘दुसऱ्या महायुद्धाविषयी कोणीही कुठेही सांगत असलेल्या कथांपैकी सर्वांत जास्त हेलावून टाकणाऱ्या कथांमध्ये या रोजनिशीचा समावेश होतो:
Tales From Secret Annexe
I can't imagine having to live like... all the women who go about their work and are then forgotten. I need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to! I don't want to have lived in vain like most people.' Anne Frank was just thirteen when her world was turned upside down. With her parents and sister, each wearing the accursed yellow star demanded of all Jews by the Nazis, she left her family home in a suburb of Amsterdam and walked to a hiding place – the 'Secret Annexe' – which had been prepared in her father's office building. Anne was now without an outlet for her natural exuberance, and the years in the Secret Annexe – which necessitated both discipline and quiet – would have been suffocating but for the fact that she could write. This ability gave her a way to cope with the confinement, to convert her exasperation, her dreams of becoming a famous author, and her fear of what might happen, into something creative. Anne's diary has touched hearts all over the world, with nearly 40 million copies published in 70 languages. Restored to the original order in which Anne herself wrote them in her notebook, Tales from the Secret Annexe is a collection of Anne Frank's lesser-known writings: short stories, fables, personal reminiscences, and an unfinished novel, Cady's Life. In these Tales the reader can observe Anne's writing prowess grow from that of a young girl's into the observations of a perceptive, edgy, witty and compassionate young woman.
The Diary Of A Young Girl
Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, Anne Frank's remarkable diary has since become a world classic -- a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the human spirit. In 1942, with Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, they and another family lived cloistered in the "Secret Annex" of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death. In her diary Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period. By turns thoughtful, moving, and amusing, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.
The Diary Of Young Girl
Anne Frank 12 june 1929 in Frankfurt am Main – early March 1945 in Bergen Belsen) is one of the most renowned and most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Born in the city of Frankfurt am Main in Weimar Germany, she lived most of her life in or near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. She gained international fame posthumously following the publication of her diary which documents her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. By the beginning of 1940 they were trapped in Amsterdam due to the nazi occupation of the Netherlands. As persecutions of the Jewish Population increased in July 1942, the family went into hiding in the hidden rooms of her father Otto Frank's office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank's office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, were eventually transferred to the Bergen-belsen concentration camp where they both died of typhus in March 1945.