Timeless Thoughts for Today
As a student of Dr. Hill for many years, I know that his philosophy works best when it is observable and measurable. This means that in order to achieve desired results, a simple two step process must be followed: Step 1: Thought Step 2: Action Success It is not always easy to take action, but without action there is no success. Reflect on this for a moment. Great intentions never measure up to the smallest action. However, the tiniest action begins to build a momentum that culminates in your desired success if you build on the previous action daily. Napoleon Hill’s Timeless Thoughts for Today pairs Dr. Hill’s philosophy with actions that will move you toward success. I suggest that you try a few, keep a log, and watch your success rate grow. Without the action step, you are missing the master key to your dreams. First chart your course, next plan your method of travel, and third, step into the journey and begin! As you progress, you can then evaluate what actions work best for you.