Shiva Sutras
Ability is an important tool in life. Ability without commitment and awareness is like a vehicle without the engine. The Shiva Sutra enhances one’s awareness in a way one sees an opportunity in a difficulty and not a difficulty in an opportunity. There is an ‘outside reality’ and an ‘inside reality’ of one’s mind. There is also another dimension called ‘spiritual reality’. To harmonize all of them is a great awakening. Ordinary being loves one’s own ‘psycho dramas’ of justification, proving one’s point of view, blaming, being helpless… and this leads one to a state of inner poverty. To free oneself from these lower states of poverty and see them as ‘errors in one’s thinking’ is part of being effective and experiencing inner prosperity. The profound teaching of Lord Shiva introduces us to A Bigger Container where one learns to be charitable to one’s own self. This practice of making A Bigger Container is essentially spiritual.
Personal Excellence Through The Bhagavad Gita
The Gita teaches us the art of being total. Use your actions in an attitude of karma yoga, use your feelings in devotion in bhakti yoga, use your intellect for right understanding in jnana yoga and use your being in silence in dhyana yoga. The Bhagavad Gita helps us to tune to our inner pure state and denounce the illusion of security. Clarity, courage and wisdom are true security. Bhagavad Gita helps us to learn to draw energy from our inner state and achieve personal excellence. Swami Sukhabodhananda is the founder Chairman of Prasanna Trust. He is also the founder of the research wing of Prasanna Foundation, which focuses on the scientific aspects of meditation. His books have made many discover a new way of living life and his self-development programs have benefitted many in the corporate sectors and reputed institutions.
Adi Shankaracharya’s Bhaja Govindam
Adi Shankaracharya composed a number of Vedantic works for imparting the knowledge of the Self. One of these hymns is the famous “Bhaja Govindam”. ‘Bhaja’ literally means ‘seek’, ‘Govindam’ means ‘the Lord’ – ‘the Truth’. The learned masters, out of deep compassion try to wake up humanity. They invite us to open our eyes to a higher dimension of living. The whole text of Bhaja Govindam in essence means ‘Wake up, seek the Lord, and stop seeking the primitive and superficial things in life.’ The compilation of thoughts presented in this book is applicable to one and all. Swami Sukhabodhananda in his unique style explains the verses with deep clarity and understanding.
Wordless Wisdom
What he teaches is essentially a mix of psychological, yogic and meditation exercises tinged with the latest management jargon.
Looking At Life Differently
Swami Sukhabodhananda has rich wisdom of both Oriental and Occidental teachings. In his enlightened presence the book of life unfolds itself. He guides you to evolve from a mere biological being to a spiritual being.His method of enquiry focuses on multi-dimensional aspects of life. He makes you experience inner bliss. He teaches the art of enjoying 'what is'. He makes you realize that if one door closes another door opens. Life is an opening.He is a regular invitee to various forums in India, USA, Canada, Germany and Australia. He has been addressing many gatherings at important Universities in India and abroad. Leading industrial houses invite him to conduct 'In-house workshops' for their executives. His self-development programs have benefited many in the corporate sectors of reputed institutions like banking, finance, industry and education.
Celebrating Success & Failure
India Today What he teaches is essentially a mix of psychological, yogic and meditation exercises tinged with the latest management jargon. Business World He is the latest Guru on the corporate scene. And his program on Stress and Creativity are being lapped up by executives from top-notch companies. The Times of India TOI does a poll on who talks the talk best. Swamiji tops the list on all counts. This is one man who has the abillity to reach out to every member in the audience. Swamiji is erudite, often lyrically so. His programs have been consciously designed to suit the widest spectrum of people, to keep metaphysical and semantic speculations to the minimum.