Spiritual Masters: The Buddha
The Buddha,Siddhartha Gautama,livedand taught over 2500 years ago.His teachings comprised some of the highest moral philosophy then known to man and appealed to the rational and the poetic mind alike.He led a remarkable life,travelling and teaching ceaselessly for forty five years after attaining enlightenment.Today,Buddhism is one of the world's most widely practiced religions,drawing followers from lands far away from the place of birth of Buddha. In this book,three men narrate the story of the Buddha's life.One is his son and disciple,Rahula.Another is King Bimbisara's charioteer,Triguna,who is a creature of fiction.The third narrator is ananda,a cousin and disciple of the master and later,his attendant.As they proceed with the narration,their understanding of Master's Teching deepens,enabling each one to achieve his own transformation.