Vedantic Truth Revealed
Vedanta is the end of Vedas - Veda meaning knowledge (to know), and anta means the end. What is life? What is death? What is the reality of pain and pleasure, truth and God.
Know The Upanishads
Like the proverbial fish that has heard a lot about the Great Ocean and spends an entire lifetime searching for it, not realising it has always been an inseparable part of the ocean, man spends his lifetime searching all around for God. All man has to do, in fact, is simply turn his gaze inwards to realise that God or the Self has always been an inseparable part of him. The Upanishads tell man that he is not a mere mortal, but a part of the Immortal One. This book shows you just how to go about uncovering the layers of ignorance and illusion to realise your true nature