Raymond Moody\'s research in Reunited shows that it is possible to see and communicate with departed loved ones If you believe that communicating with those on the other side is impossible, or that only professionally trained psychics can cross that boundary, the evidence in this provocative book will surprise you. Dr Raymond Moody, bestselling author of Life After Life and the first medical professional to explore near-death experiences, shows that it is possible, and not even difficult, for all of us to make contact with our loved ones virtually whenever we choose, without the help of a medium.\n\nBy experimenting with such items as mirrors, crystals and specially designed chambers, Dr Moody created an environment in which many unbiased, intelligent men and women achieved amazing success in calling forth visions. Here are their own descriptions, recorded immediately after, of what they saw, heard and felt during moments of precious closeness that left them confident they had been in the actual presence of their dead loved ones.Grounded in solid historical and anthropological data, these case studies and Dr Moody’s own observations will give pause even to septicemic. As proof of life after death, his stunning findings promise to launch even more research and give comfort to many people around the world.
The Light Beyond
It has been a decade since the publication of Dr. Moody's landmark bestseller, Life After Life, and since he coined the term "near-death experience", or NDE. Today, Dr. Moody has studied more than a thousand new case histories of adults and children who have clinically reached the point of death and survived, and extraordinary new research has revealed more patterns of NDEs. Now, for the first time, Dr. Moody presents this wealth of new information to the general public information that uncovers secrets and opens the doors to a powerful message of love from the frontier between life and death. Inside you will discover: How recent findings in medicine, psychiatry, and sociology bring us closer than ever to unraveling mankind's greatest mystery: What happens to us after we die? Startling, newly confirmed phenomena such as: The experience of meeting one's loved ones in the afterlife and the ability to "tap into" knowledge of any sort. What the moving near-death experiences of children can teach us. Why NDEs inspire permanent change, greater appreciation of life, more concern for others, increased belief in an afterlife, and decreased fear of death. Why medical professionals are considering initiating aggressive scientific research into near-death experiences... and much more. Dr. Moody offers both answers and peace of mind to those who wonder about death and provides another groundbreaking volume in his ongoing study of life, death, and "beyond."