Children, more than adults, are highly susceptible to falling prey to contagious diseases. A major factor that leads to an increase in the number of ailments afflicting school-going children in particular is stress; whether it is related to a child's studies, peer-pressure or home. This and several other factors contribute in weakening a child's immune system, which can lead to serious health issues. Not only this, growing children, especially those in their teens, are often plagued with skin-related problems like acne and pimples which can prove to be quite traumatic for a young mind. Yoga for Schoolchildren is quite what the doctor would have prescribed in such a situation. It offers yogic asanas which help address all these problems and more. These asanas are easy to perform and do not take up too much of a child's time or energy. What's more, they help children lead a healthy lifestyle which enables them to grow up into healthy, confident adults.