Rearming Hinduism
Rearming Hinduism is a handbook for intellectual resistance. Within its pages, Vamsee Juluri delivers a sharp and comprehensive examination of Hinduphobia pervasive in contemporary academia, media, and popular culture. Juluri not only exposes the Hinduphobic narrative’s denial of the profound truths and beauty within Hindu philosophy but also challenges its disregard for the inherent integrity and sacredness of the natural world. This book fearlessly dismantles prevalent misconceptions about nature, history, and ancient civilizations propagated by modern media while debunking Hinduphobic myths surrounding Aryans, invasions, and ritual practices. Through this critique, Rearming Hinduism draws connections between Hinduphobia and a culture marked by exploitation and self-destruction, suggesting that a revitalized Hindu perspective may offer a potent counterforce. It urges readers to envision the present through the lens of timeless principles, thereby uplifting our understanding of our land, time, and the enduring values of sanatana dharma.
Hindu Dharmachi Punrabhivyakti ( हिंदू धर्माची पुन
‘हिंदू धर्माची पुनराभिव्यक्ती’ हे बौद्धिक विरोध करणारे पुस्तक आहे. सध्या विद्यापिठीय विद्वानांच्या वर्तुळात, प्रसारमाध्यमे आणि सामान्य मनात पसरलेल्या हिंदूभयगंडवादावर चतुर आणि प्रभावशालीपणे टीका करून वम्सी जुलुरी यांनी आपल्याला हे दाखवून दिले की, हिंदूभयगंडवादी दृष्टिकोन जी गोष्ट नाकारत आहे, ते ना केवळ सत्य आणि हिंदू विचाराचे मर्म आहे, तर ते ह्या सृष्टीचे पावित्र्य आणि पूर्णता आहे. सृष्टी, इतिहास आणि इतिहासपूर्व काळ याविषयीच्या प्रसारमाध्यमांमधील धारणा, तसेच आर्य आक्रमण आणि बलीप्रथा याविषयीची हिंदूभयगंडवादी मिथके यांना बेधडक आव्हान देत ‘हिंदू धर्माची पुनराभिव्यक्ती’ने हिंदूभयगंडवाद आणि त्याच्या अहंकाराला हिंसक आणि आत्मघातकी संस्कृतीशी संबंधित असल्याचे दाखवून दिले आहे. ह्याचा विरोध केवळ नवीन हिंदू संवेदनशीलताच करू शकते. हे वर्तमानाकडे अशा दृष्टिकोनातून पाहण्याचे आव्हान आहे, जे आपला देश आणि काळ यांना पुन्हा एकदा सनातन धर्माच्या आदर्शांपर्यंत घेऊन जाईल.
Saraswati's Intelligence
Before the dawn of man, there was Hanuman. Ancient Kishkindha, the land of Hanuman and his people, are in mortal danger. The era of peace marked by the parama dharma, a rigorous code that forbids the spilling of blood, seems about to end. A new and deadly race of beings that destroy and devour anything that lives is gathering outside Kishkindha's northern frontiers and invasion is imminent. Hanuman, meanwhile, has been exiled by the intrigues of his aunt, the empress Riksharaja, in order to make way for Vali. Only his cousin Sugreeva and wise guru Vishwamitra, can help Hanuman as his destiny takes him onward to face himself and a world no one in Kishkindha has known about until now.The Kishkindha Chronicles re-imagines the ancient prehistory of India from a startlingly new perspective that will make us rethink what it means to be human and animal. Saraswati's Intelligence is the first book in the trilogy., About the Author : Vamsee Juluri is a professor of media studies at the University of San Francisco and the author, most recently, of the bestselling manifesto Rearming Hinduism - Nature, Hinduphobia and the Return of Indian Intelligence (Westland). His earlier books include The Mythologist - A Novel (Penguin India) and Bollywood Nation - India through its Cinema (Penguin India).