Life is Fundamentally Management
The human mind, from childhood, gets programmed into believing that individual success is paramount compared to everything else, that consumption is king and it’s okay to win at all costs! This book goes about exploring the very depths of our own mind, its default mode of working, how one may free oneself from the shackles of his own conditioning, and so on. This will help one understand one’s own mind as a system. Once a total understanding is gained on how the mind works, inner transformation and personal empowerment are a natural result. The book then takes the reader on an amazing journey of how the consciousness of the individual can be altered, by establishing a contra-distinction between individual thinking patterns and the ways in which nature operates. This alteration of individual consciousness provides a fascinating blueprint for sustainable living, too! If you believe that the root cause of challenges is the individual mind and if you sincerely want the planet to be on a sustainable course at least till 3012...then this book is definitely for you. If you plunge into a pool, you cannot escape getting wet. This book is a transformation pool. If you plunge into this book, you will become wet with transformation. The book will dismantle your current sense of who you are and help you reassemble a fresh and wonderful sense of who you are! Yes, you cannot escape the grip of this life-altering book!