Astrology for You ...
Astrology is not a complex science as it often made out to be and, in the hands of the world-famous 'human computer' Shakuntala Devi, it becomes yet simpler and easier to understand and practise. The present book discusses zodiacs, planets, asterisms, the rising signs, Bhavas, Yogas, Dasas and their effects and transits. It enables the reader to cast a horoscope, and also read one. There are tables of correction for various cities and for sidereal time. It is a complete book that leaves nothing to become an amateur astrologer.
Awaken the Genius in Your Child
Your child's achieving attitude begins with you. Teaching your child is important. Teaching your child to think is more important. Thinking is not information or knowledge or being right. Thinking is the skill which unlocks the potential within. It is the essential difference that separates winners and achievers from others. This book will help you - the caring parent - combine the unique knowledge of your child's personality with the latest research on how children learn at each age, to enable you help your child achieve his full potential. From infancy, pre-school and through school, at every stage, the book is designed to enhance your child's concentration skills, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and honest motivation - the complex dynamics which will translate your child's potential into a brilliant legal mind, a gifted surgeon or a path-breaking physicist
Super Memory
This is one of those rare books that can help all of us with something that is both troublesome and worrisome – our memory. It does this with ease in 12 easy and effortlessly smooth steps. Pub. Date: June 2011 Shakuntala Devi’s down-to-earth writing and encouraging step-by-step approach puts super memory in reach of everyone. As she says, ‘Take my word. You can start applying my memory-enhancing techniques immediately, right now. Before you will realize, applying my methods and strategies will become your second nature.’ Shakuntala Devi has been honing and teaching her memory improvement techniques for more than 40 years. Super Memory is the result of her life’s work, specially tailored to our needs as we age, and encompassing all of the many ways we can use a better memory every day. About the Author Born to an orthodox Brahmin family in Bangalore, Shakuntala Devi manifested an extraordinary love for numbers at a very early age. By the time she was five years old she had become an expert in complex mental arithmetic. The rest, as they say, is now history. She has authored several international bestsellers which have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into many languages. She is also the recipient of Ramanujan Mathematical Genius Award, which was bestowed on her in Washington, USA, in 1988.
We carry within us the seeds of the genius we seek without. Each one of us possesses a mathematical brain. An ingrained power, a creative energy, a greater problem solving capacity than we probably give our self credit for.With a better understanding, you can influence yourself and your child to take maths on. It is a great subject. Don
The Book Of Numbers
Shakuntala Devi, the Human Computer, explains and simplifies everything you always wanted to know about numbers but was difficult to understand. This book contains all we ever wanted to know about numbers. Divided in three parts, the first will tells you everything about numbers, the second some anecdotes related with numbers and mathematicians, and the third some important tables that will help you always.