The Picture Of Dorian Gray (द पिक्चर ऑफ डोरियन ग्र
डोरियन ग्रे...अंतर्बाह्य सुंदर असलेला विशीचा तरुण... बेसिल हॉलवर्ड या चित्रकाराने डोरियनचं चित्र रेखाटलंय...बेसिलचा मित्र लॉर्ड हेन्री आणि डोरियनची भेट होते... डोरियन हेन्रीच्या प्रभावाखाली येतो...तो नाटकात काम करणाऱ्या सिबिलनामक सुंदर युवतीच्या प्रेमात पडतो. तिच्याशी लग्नही ठरवतो...पण एका प्रयोगात सिबिल खूपच वाईट अभिनय करते आणि तो प्रचंड संतापतो...तिच्याशी भांडून थिएटरमधून बाहेर पडतो...त्याच रात्री सिबिल आत्महत्या करते...ती बातमी कळल्यावर डोरियन विव्हळ होतो...पण काहीच क्षण...या प्रसंगानंतर सुरू होते डोरियनची आत्मिक अधोगती...काही लोकांच्या विनाशाला, आत्महत्येला तो कारणीभूत ठरतो...व्यसनं आणि स्त्रियांच्या मोहपाशात गुरफटतो...चिरतारुण्याचा वर मिळाल्यामुळे ही अधोगती चालूच राहते...इतकी की तो बेसिलचाही खून करतो...त्याच्या या अधोगतीचे पडसाद त्याच्या चित्रावर उमटतात...त्याचा चित्रातला चेहरा विद्रूप होतो...मनोवास्तवाचं प्रभावी चित्रण द पिक्चर ऑफ डोरियन ग्रे.
Oscar Wilde Complete Stories
Somehow or other I will be famous, and if not famous, I will be notorious', declared Oscar Wilde. He proved to be both. Oscar Wilde was a genius and he transformed his talent into his stories, plays and poems. The world in which Oscar Wilde lived was riddled with hypocrisy and he exposed it in his writings. His only novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray' was published in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1890 and provoked a storm of protest from the Victorian society. 'It is a tale spawned from the leprous literature of the French decadents — a poisoned book, the atmosphere of which is heavy with mephitic odours of moral and spiritual putrefaction', wrote the critic from the Daily Chronicle. Oscar Wilde wrote a preface, which appeared separately in the Fortnightly Review in March 1891. It contains the famous passage : 'Books are well written, or badly written. That is all'. This volume contains Oscar Wilde's only novel, 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and all other stories. All stories are complete & unabridged.
The Happy Prince And Other Stories
The highest standards in editing and production have been applied to the Wordsworth Children\'s Classics, while the low price makes them affordable for everyone. Wordsworth\'s list covers a range of the best-loved stories for children, from nursery tales, classic fables, and fairy tales to stories that will appeal to older children and adults alike. Many of these volumes have contemporary illustrations, and while they are ideal for shared family reading, their attractive format will also encourage children to read for themselves. Like all Wordsworth Editions, these children\'s books represent unbeatable value.