The Science of Being Great
In this classic guide, Wallace D. Wattles reveals the principles for achieving greatness in every aspect of life. Through concise teachings and practical insights, learn to harness the power of your mind, cultivate success habits and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. Whether you seek success in your career, relationships or personal growth, this book offers timeless wisdom and practical strategies to unlock your inner greatness.
The Science of Getting Rich
In his bestelling book D.Wattles explains that "universal mind" underlies and permeates all creation. Through the process of visulization, we can engage the law of attraction impressing our thoughts upon "formless substace" and bringing the desireed object or circumstances into material form. The author emphasizes the critical importance of attitude: only by aligning ourselves with positive forces of natural law can we again unlimited access to the creative mind and its abundant rewards.