Job Be Damned
Do you think you’re a hardworking professional who has a lot to offer? Are your ideas brighter than everyone else’s in your team? Did you deserve a standing ovation after your last performance appraisal? Even if the answer to these questions is a resounding yes, do you still find yourself trailing behind corporate losers – the devil boss who takes all the credit; the slimy politician who stole your promotion; the sweet-talking weasel whom everyone seems to love? Job Be Damned is the kick in the backside that you so desperately need. This book recognizes that you are an average employee and ensures that, by the time you’re done reading it, you’ll be the best average employee there can be. You will gain a unique perspective to help navigate every tricky workplace situation–and unmatched bullshit-doling and handling capabilities to wing it through your spectacularly unexciting job. After all, isn’t that what corporate success is all about?
Three Pigs to Financial Freedom
AN EASY SYSTEM TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY FOR A COMFORTABLE, WORRY-FREE LIFE This book will be a total waste of time if you are Excited about slogging in a job for the rest of your life Gratefully handing over your income to your mummy-papa to manage Certain of winning the lottery or receiving a huge inheritance A financial expert with your investments completely sorted For everyone else, especially if you dream of a life with all the time and flexibility and without money worries, here is your roadmap to financial freedom. Finance is intimidating, the products are complicated, salespeople are pushy, and the jargon is confusing. Well, not anymore! Three Pigs to Financial Freedom guides you on everything you need to know—how much money you need to be financially free, the accounts you need to open, the products you should buy, how much you should invest in them, and where you should get them. Using an incredibly easy and practical system, the book humorously demystifies financial planning in the Indian context. Best of all, you don’t need any knowledge of managing money to get started!
Aisle Be Damned
Swaying hips, praying lips and flying tips! A Hilarious Take on just about Everything Associated with Air Travel. Getting seamlessly upgraded to Business Class. The hows and whys of micromanaging the pilots. Action plans to counter the airlines Technical Snag routine. Sure shot strategies for winning the affections of flight attendants. Awesome icebreakers to start conversations with attractive co-passengers. How smart executives deal with the Walk of Shame to the economy section. How a water bottle dramatically improves flight safety. Breezing through immigration and customs, always making your flight connections and a whole lot more Rest assured, your flying experience will never be the same again!