Mughal Sattecha Saripat (मुघल सत्तेचा सारिपाट)
मुघल सत्तेचा सारिपाट ही कादंबरी सत्ताग्रहण, श्रद्धा आणि जीवनाचे सार-समाधान यासंबंधीच्या प्रश्नांचा लेखणीच्या लालित्यपूर्ण फटकाऱ्याद्वारा धांडोळा घेते. या कादंबरीमध्ये त्या काळातले गुंतागुंतीचे राजकारण, दगाबाज़ मुघल, आणि वासना, वारुणी आणि अफूच्या नशेमध्ये मश्गूल असलेल्या व्यक्तींचे रेखन आहे. तसेच शिकारीच्या नावाखाली निष्पाप माणसांना आणि मुक्या प्राण्यांनादेखील सोसाव्या लागणाऱ्या जीवघेण्या छळाचे वर्णनदेखील आहे. सत्ताकारणाच्या जीवघेण्या स्पर्धेसह मुघल कालखंडाचे अतिशय चांगले चित्रण या कथानकातून उलगडते.
The Mughal High Noon
In the mid-seventeenth century, the sons of ailing Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan - Dara, Shuja, Aurangzeb and Murad - are locked in a fierce struggle for succession. As Shah Jahan's treatment is kept under strict supervision, rumours begin to swirl. Is the emperor alive? Or is his death being kept a closely-guarded secret? It's impossible to know for certain, since the spies and agents of the kingdom trade in misinformation and half-truths, and only heighten the tension between the brothers. In this atmosphere of palace intrigue and chicanery - as Murad acquires a reputation for overindulgence, Dara for sensitivity, and Shuja for impulsiveness - the stage seems set for a power-hungry Aurangzeb to make his ascent as emperor. However, will Aurangzeb's quest for domination become his ultimate undoing? The Mughal High Noon, with master brushstrokes, explores questions of power, faith and contentment.