A Fabumouse School Adventure

By (author) Geronimo Stilton Publisher Scholastic

Geronimo Stilton #38 A Fabumouse School Adventure is the 38th volume from the Geronimo Stilton adventure series. The book is written for children who fall within the age bracket of seven to ten years. The books in this series narrate the adventures of Geronimo Stilton and are fictitiously authored by the protagonist himself. Geronimo Stilton, a mouse, publishes The Rodent’s Gazette and lives in the fictitious New Mouse City, in Mouse Island. In this book, he is invited for his nephew Benjamin’s Career Day at school. Geronimo lands himself in a tight spot when he causes a volcanic explosion. In addition to the catastrophe, he also gets stuck in a tunnel in the playground and unintentionally releases a pet gecko out of its cage. The book goes on to narrate what happens next and shows its readers how Geronimo gets out of the sticky situation. Elisabetta Dami is the creator of the popular Geronimo Stilton series of books, and she writes under the pseudonym. Dami was born in Milan, Italy, in 1958. She started her writing career at an early age of 19, and soon established herself as a writer of children’s books and developed the Geronimo Stilton series. She received a rapturous response for her creation. Dami has written some other novels in this series, like Geronimo Stilton #37 The Race Across America and Geronimo Stilton #34 Geronimo Stilton Secret Agent. She lives in Italy and the United States.

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