
By (author) Rashmi Bansal Publisher Westland Limited

Saurabh Bansal did it. Shashank N. D did it. Eshwar Vikas did it. Arise, Awake is the story of young-entrepreneurs who started a business while studying in college or right after graduation. Turning their backs on lucrative placements, to pursue dreams of their own. The ability to start a business is not defined by age or education. It takes energy and passion, an idea and an Internet connection. Your first office could be your very own hostel room. About the Author Rashmi Bansal is a writer, entrepreneur and youth expert. Her 5 books on entrepreneurship - 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish', 'Connect the Dots', 'I have a Dream', 'Follow Every Rainbow', 'Take - Me Home and Poor Little Rich Slum' have sold over 7,50,000 copies and been translated into 10 languages. Rashmi is a motivational speaker and mentor to students and young entrepreneurs. She is an economics graduate of Sophia College, Mumbai and an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad.

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