Saturday Stories
From the bestselling author of Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish and Follow Every Rainbow, comes a set of sparkling stories that explores the full gamut of human emotions, vulnerabilities and truths, and captures the distinct spirit of our times. Deceptively simple in their telling, and occasionally laced with dark humour, the short glimpses of life in Rashmi Bansal's first foray into fiction will take readers by surprise, and by turns inspire, move and entertain them.
God's Own Kitchen
People often asked Madhu Pandit — “Why did you leave IIT to become a monk?” Had he followed the conventional path, Madhu Pandit would have been a big-shot in some large corporation. Instead, he was the ‘CEO’ of a large temple. Guided by his guru A C Bhakrivedanta Srila Prabhupada. Propelled forward by the Divine Plan.A chance meeting with Mohandas Pai inspired Madhu Pandit to use the spare capacity in the ISKCON kitchen. To start a mid-day meal program for 1500 children, in and around Bangalore. Today, Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest NGO-led mid-day meal program, with 67 kitchens across 15 states. Serving 2 million hot lunches to government schools each day. This is the exciting story of spiritualists and capitalists coming together to launch a unique start-up. And taking it to scale. A ‘Made in India’ success story using the head, the heart, and a whole lot of soul
Shine Bright (शाइन ब्राइट )
प्रत्येकाला उद्योजक बनण्याची इच्छा असते. पण, केवळ याच मार्गानं तुम्ही प्रभाव टाकू शकता का? एखादा उद्योजक ज्या गोष्टी करू शकतो त्याच तुम्ही नोकरीच्या कक्षेत राहूनही करू शकत असाल तर? ‘शाइन ब्राइट’ अशाच काही प्रेरणादायी प्रवासांचा लेखाजोखा सादर करतं, जे एकाचवेळी कष्टसाध्यही आहेत आणि समाधान देणारेही आहेत. कोणत्याही नोकरीत तुम्ही ‘अडकलेले’ नसता, तुम्हीही बदल घडवू शकता– एक ‘उद्योजक’ बनू शकता...हा विश्वास हे पुस्तक रूजवतं.
Shine Bright
Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. But is that the only way that you can make an impact? What if you could do things that entrepreneurs do, but within the ambit of a job? Shine Bright chronicles these inspiring journeys, which are equal parts arduous and equal parts fulfilling. You are not ‘stuck’ in a job—you too can be an agent of change. An intrapreneur. Includes chapters on: R. Mukundan, Tata Chemicals Manu Jain, Xiaomi, India Vineet Gautam, Bestseller India (Vero Moda, Jack & Jones) Amitabh Kant, NITI Aayog Pawan Goenka, Mahindra Auto Nitin Paranjpe, Unilever Harsh Bhanwala, NABARD Chitra Gupta, Principal, Zeenat Mahal Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya No. 2
Arise Awake (अराइज अवेक)
अराइज, अवेक हे तरुणांना उद्योजक होण्यासाठी प्रवृत्त करणारं आणि त्यासाठी मार्गदर्शन करणारं पुस्तक आहे. विविध युवकांनी विविध क्षेत्रांमध्ये व्यवसाय सुरू केले. त्या व्यवसायाची संकल्पना त्यांना कशी सुचली, कल्पना सुचल्यावर त्यांनी काय केलं, भांडवल कसं उभं केलं, आपल्या व्यवसायाची जाहिरात कशी केली, त्या व्यवसायाला लोकांचा (गिह्राईकांचा) कसा प्रतिसाद मिळाला, आपलं उत्पादन तयार करताना, त्याची जाहिरात करताना, तसेच आर्थिक बाबतीत किंवा अन्य स्वरूपाच्या त्यांना कोणत्या अडचणी आल्या आणि त्यावर त्यांनी कशी मात केली याचं सविस्तर विवेचन या पुस्तकात केलं आहे. कोणी डॉक्टरांसाठीचं सॉफ्टवेअर तयार केलं, तर कोणी सिमेंट काँक्रीटच्या विटा, कोणी पूजा किट्स तयार केली, तर कोणी टी शर्ट्स, कोणी कॅपचावर लक्ष केंद्रित केलं, तर कोणी कॉम्प्यूटर सायन्स शिकवण्यावर, अशा अनेक युवा उद्योजकांच्या या प्रेरणादायी कथा युवा वर्गाने आणि सगळ्यांनीच अवश्य वाचाव्या अशा आहेत.
Touch The Sky
I’ve got the Power. The power to change my world. To speak up. To stand out. Leap forward. And break out. Give me a football, give me a pen. If I fall down, I will stand up again. This book is a tribute to the courage and confidence of the Indian woman, from Korba to Kashmir. In each personal triumph lies a larger story. Of boldness, of transformation. Of women rising, to take their place in the sun.
Saurabh Bansal did it. Shashank N. D did it. Eshwar Vikas did it. Arise, Awake is the story of young-entrepreneurs who started a business while studying in college or right after graduation. Turning their backs on lucrative placements, to pursue dreams of their own. The ability to start a business is not defined by age or education. It takes energy and passion, an idea and an Internet connection. Your first office could be your very own hostel room. About the Author Rashmi Bansal is a writer, entrepreneur and youth expert. Her 5 books on entrepreneurship - 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish', 'Connect the Dots', 'I have a Dream', 'Follow Every Rainbow', 'Take - Me Home and Poor Little Rich Slum' have sold over 7,50,000 copies and been translated into 10 languages. Rashmi is a motivational speaker and mentor to students and young entrepreneurs. She is an economics graduate of Sophia College, Mumbai and an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad.
Take Me Home : The Inspiring Stories of 20 Entrepr
Parakram Singh Jadeja did it in Rajkot. Deepak Dadhoti did it in Belgaum. Vibhor Agrawal did it in Meerut. Take Me Home is the story of 20 entrepreneurs who have built remarkable enterprises, while remaining true to their roots. From small towns across India, they run giant global companies with locally trained talent. The ability to run a professional business is no longer limited by location. What you need is a vision and a mission and a burning desire. To make it happen, wherever you are.
Swapnanche Indradhanu (स्वप्नांचे इंद्रधनू )
आव्हान स्वीकारण्याचं धाडस करणा-या २५ असाधारण स्त्रियांच्या कर्तृत्वाचा आलेख म्हणजे हे पुस्तक. या स्त्रियांनी त्यांच्या कुटुंबाच आणि त्यांनी स्थापन केलेल्या उद्योगांच प्रेमानं लालनपालन केलं. हे काम त्यांनी मोठ्या प्रेमानं, हसत-खेळत आणि सहन शीलतेनं केलं. ना कधी हार मानली! या काहण्या एकच सत्य सांगत्ताहेत : स्त्रिया वेगळ्या प्रकारे विचार करतात; आणि वेगळ्या प्रकारे वागतात, परंतु त्या तेवढ्याच यशस्वी होऊ शकतात. या यशस्वी उदोयोजिकांच्या कहाण्या प्ररेक तर आहेतच. पण त्या तुमच्यात दडलेल्या उदयो जिकेलाही साद घालतात. इतकंच नव्हे, पुरुषांनाही काहीतरी करून दाखवण्याची उर्मी देतात.
Follow Every Rainbow
Meena Bindra did it. Jasu Shilpi did it. Nina Lekhi did it. Follow Every Rainbow is the story of twenty-five enterprising women who took up a challenge. They raised a family as well as a company, with love, laugher and patience. Managing multiple equations - never giving in or giving up. These stories say one thing, loud and clear. Women think and act differently than men, but they can be just as successful. What success means, is something only you can decide.
Connect The Dots ( कनेक्ट द डॉट्स)
'एमबीए'ची पदवी नसतानाही ज्यांनी आपला मार्ग तर शोधलाच, पण अनेकांना रोजगार देणारे मोठे उद्योग उभारले. एक एक बिंदू जोडत ज्यांनी मोठी झेप घेतली आहे अशा उद्योजकांची ही कहाणी. "स्टे हंग्री स्टे फुलिश' या बेस्ट सेलर पुस्तकाच्या लेखिका व "जस्ट अनदर मॅगझीन' या युवाविषयक मासिकाच्या संपादिका रश्मी बन्सल यांचे हे पुस्तक. आरती कदम यांनी या पुस्तकाचा अनुवाद केला आहे. पुण्यातील भारत विकास ग्रुपचे संस्थापक हणमंत गायकवाड यांच्यापासून "रेवा' या इलक्ट्रिक मोटारीचा निर्माता चेतन मायणी यांच्यासारख्या वेगळ्या उद्योजकांची कहाणी येथे आपल्यासमोर येते.
I Have A Dream
Bindeshwar Pathak Did It. Shaheen Mistri Did It. Vinayak Lohani Did It. I Have A Dream is the story of 20 idealists who think and act like entrepreneurs. They are committed to different causes, but they have one thing in common: a belief that principles of management can and must be used to achieve a greater common good. These stories say one thing loud and clear change starts with one person, and that person could be someone next door. Someone like you.
Connect The Dots
Mahima Mehra did it. Ranjiv Ramchandani did it. Kalyan Varma did it. 'CONNECT THE DOTS' is a sequel to 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish' and is the story of 20 enterprising individuals without an MBA, who started their own ventures. They were driven by the desire to prove themselves. To lead interesting, passionate, meaningful lives. Some of the entrepreneurs featured in the book are: Kunwer Sachdev, Founder, Su-kam R. Sriram, Founder, Crossword Bookstore Ganesh Ram, Founder, Veta (Vivekananda English Training Academy) Satyajit Singh, Founder, Shakti Sudha Industries Their stories say one thing loud and clear. You don't need a fancy degree or a rich daddy to dream big and make it happen. It's all in your head, your heart, your hands.
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish' is athe story of 25 such IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose the rough road of entrepreneurship. they are diverse in age, in outlook and the industries they made a mark in. But they have one thing in common: they believed in the power of their dreams. This book seeks to inspire young graduates to look beyond placements and salaries. To believe in their dreams.