Valley Of The Giant Skeletons
Geronimo Stilton #32 Valley Of The Giant Skeletons by Geronimo Stilton is written for children in the age bracket of 6 to 12 years. Geronimo Stilton is a rodent who lives in Mouse Island. He is the editor of The Rodents Gazette, a widely read newspaper in Mouse Island. He dotes on his nephew and keeps him entertained with the stories of his adventures. In this story, Geronimo finds himself in Mongolia and there are plenty of surprises in store him that keeps him running for help. Geronimo loses his way in the vast Gobi desert during his quest for hidden treasure. As he tries to find a way out, he encounters sand storms and many camels. He also stumbles across huge dinosaur skeletons on his way. Will he be able to find his way back from the desert? Elisabetta Dami writes under the pseudonym Geronimo Stilton and is credited to be its creator. Other books in the series include The Mystery in Venice,The Way of the Samurai,This Hotel is Haunted! and The Enormouse Pearl Heist. The comic series was first published in Italy, but it soon reached the American soil owing to its tremendous popularity. Dami is known for her philanthropic activities. She is also an avid traveller.