Geronimo And The Gold Medal Mystery
Geronimo Stilton is certainly not a sports mouse. He curls his whiskers at running and sweating. He, any day, prefers relaxing in his armchair with a big bowl of cheesy chews and a good read. But, with the Olympics coming up, everyone in New Mouse City is only talking sports, sports and more sports! One day, Geronimo is getting ready to settle down to write peacefully and do his work, when his grandfather rudely orders him to fly to Athens and cover the Olympics in Greece. Cursing under his breath "Moldy Mozzarella!", he reluctantly hops on the flight, hoping to sniff some mystery and adventure about to take place. In the flight, he meets Hercule Poirat, his good friend, and soon discovers that the mystery he hoped to smell is real and in Olympic proportion. Hercule Poirat and Geronimo together discover an evil and diabolical scam set by the crook Cyrus von Snootrat. He plans to be the winner of every Olympic sport competition by employing an ingenious machine that gives the wearer abilities of all animals by transforming the traits of one animal to another. Geronimo Stilton: Geronimo And The Gold Medal Mystery is replete with numerous nonfiction sidebars about the Olympics, ancient Greece and geographical features. The book is accentuated by creative type faces and graphics that enhance and complement the text,.